Headless Technology is Disrupting the eCommerce Industry

Headless Technology is Disrupting the eCommerce Industry
2 years ago

Headless Commerce is a relatively new tech term that is well understood and widely debated by tech developers. For businesses, it seems like a concept that is somewhat confusing and too technical. However, it is a topic worth understanding because headless technology is disrupting the eCommerce industry. Here is all you need to know about it.

1. What is headless commerce

So what headless commerce is? It refers to the separation between the frontend and backend of an application on an eCommerce platform. Its greatest advantage is that it gives brands unlimited opportunities to create fully customized shopping experiences.

With this technology, companies can better manage, store and deliver their content directly to the customer without needing a frontend representative. By doing so, there is increased efficiency in backend operations and overall presentation.

2. How it works

By combining eCommerce software and headless CMS of a particular kind, headless eCommerce uses APIs (Application Programming Interface) to display its product information on various significant channels. One major benefit of this is lowering the cost of customer acquisition which has been on the rise. Businesses that want to get and stay on the cutting edge have recognized the importance of the digital experience.

3. Benefits to commerce brands

Adopting headless technologies enables retailers to merge different technologies and channels such as wearables, smart appliances, web assistants, SMS, social media, and the web. This function is why APIs are necessary for the retailer to plug into other selling locations.

The traditional site that featured product catalogues, shopping carts, and basic information has ceased to garner sales effectively. Retailers have now had to consider the integration of several touchpoints to complete and satisfy the customer journey. Headless technology has assisted in achieving this service functionality by delivering seamlessly interwoven content with more detailed information.

Marketers and content managers are also increasingly aware of the user experience. Headless technology has helped them create an optimized end-user experience. The ability to revamp digital strategies that appeal to the audience has been a big plus for companies today. With this technology, managers find it easier to integrate new trends and support and scale them without dismantling the existing system.

4. Consumer benefits

Convenience, flexible shopping and seamless digital experiences are top of mind for consumers. Headless technology has helped develop one-stop shops accessible on many devices and featuring engaging touchpoints. Website traffic has been on a decline for most retail companies. They now have to make an effort to be visible on the platforms most frequented by their target customers.

5. Comparison of headless vs traditional tech

The most significant difference between traditional and headless technology is that, unlike the former, the latter can create content once and use it repeatedly across multiple platforms. This is what makes headless technology so unlimited.

Traditional eCommerce provide limited customization of predefined frontends while headless technology gives you complete control over content presentation.

Customer experiences feature pre-made themes for a storefront with limited ability for personalization. Headless systems have unique customized themes to match specific brands.

In marketing, traditional systems require that new touchpoints be made in the backend, while headless systems can integrate these touchpoints without needing backend changes.

Systems in traditional eCommerce systems were affected by threats due to their backend and frontend links. Thankfully, headless security systems are immune to any threats.   

6. When to make the switch to headless

Knowing when to transition and adopt changes or trends is crucial for businesses. To determine when the right time is, for your company, consider these two factors.

First, if your company has been using or considering using different channels to engage with customers. Second, if you are more concerned with your customers’ shopping experience than the sales streaming in. Checking one of these two boxes signals a green light for change into headless commerce.

To make this transition seamlessly, you could adopt a cost-and-time-effective approach. This way, you won’t have to re-platform your entire system. You could start with a simple replacement of the front end instead.

7. Take us on

Vue Storefront should be first on your list of considerations. We’ll tell you why.

With us, you will get frontend operational support which will welcome new features, improvements, and no limits to the changes you might require further along as you grow.

We guarantee glitch-free page performance and openness to assimilating new technologies as they emerge. This is cutting-edge IT integration.

Our solutions work perfectly with headless technologies and developments for scaling eCommerce with a difference. We look forward to connecting revolutionary storefront ideas to amazing technology for all players.

We understand that all this may be challenging in the beginning. Remember that it’s never too late or early to take the first step. Contact us today to meet with one of our awesome tech support personnel.

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