Why Would You Need A Lawyer For Long Term Disability Benefits?

Photo by Josh Appel on Unsplash
2 years ago

As people age, the chances of meeting any accident increase. With this, you need always to have a safety net to deal with any accident in the future, which is disability insurance. However, not all disability insurance claims will be granted. Suppose you’ve become ill or injured and can no longer be capacitated to work, and your disability claims from your insurance company get denied.

In that case, you may need to employ the services of a long term disability attorney. Filing these claims can be a complicated and lengthy process. Hence it would help if you had the assistance and advice of a legal professional to help you through the ordeal. Here are reasons why it makes sense to hire a lawyer who is well versed and knowledgeable in long term disability benefits:

Dealing with Bad Faith Practice in Long Term Disability Claims

When filing for long term disability claims, some insurance companies may deny or purposely delay your claim. This kind of treatment may be considered bad faith. Here are some instances that your insurance company is trying to evade its duty when it comes to enforcing your rights under the insurance claim:

  • Requiring multiple and excessive data to delay the claiming process
  • Setting back a claim for an unreasonable length of time
  • Denying a valid claim with no good reason
  • Paying lower benefits than those indicated in the insurance contract

The best thing to do when encountering insurance companies who don’t respond to long term disability claims is to ask the advice of legal professionals such as Wyllie Spears LLP, who deal with entitlement to long term disability benefits. To know more about this firm, you can head to their website at https://wylliespears.com/.

Increase Your Chances of Successfully Pursuing Long Term Disability Claims

Long term disability lawyers have the expertise in dealing with insurance companies and have a good understanding of the application process. They know the best methods that you can employ to increase your chance of having your benefits claims granted.

They will also help make it easier for you to obtain the proper documentation pertinent to claiming benefits as indicated in your insurance contract from your doctors. You may also direct all correspondence between you and the insurance company to your legal counsel of choice so that they will be the ones to deal with the barrage of letters and emails.

Steer You Away From Making Common Mistakes

Making mistakes may happen if you deal with long term disability claims alone. One common mistake is not entirely understanding your insurance policy and, most importantly, what your disability is.

If you do not fully understand the full definition of your disability, you might not be able to garner all the evidence you need and give complete documentation. This may be fatal to your application for a long term disability claim and lead to denial of such claim. Closing out a special needs trust in fear of disqualification  is another common mistake victims make. Special needs trusts can provide money to people with disabilities for certain expenses without disqualifying them from government aid.

Representation For Appeals

If your long term disability benefits claim is denied, you may still enforce your rights by filing an appeal. A long term disability attorney will assist you throughout the process and ensure that you will file your appeal on time while gathering all the crucial information you need to reconsider your claim. A lawyer will help you file for a VA Appeal and make the process easier.


One out of four individuals have a probability of becoming disabled before retirement. Being unable to stay employed because of a disability is debilitating. However, know that there are legal experts you may approach to get your disability claim underway. Connecting with a reasonable attorney or law firm with years of experience and a good track record in getting disability claims approved will help you expedite the process and ensure your claim will succeed.

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