What Companies Need To Use Static Residential IPs

Photo by Vojtech Okenka from Pexels
2 years ago

The level of competition in the business landscape is at an all-time high; borders and shores no longer restrict people from conducting business transactions in any part of the world. The rapid internet penetration into every nook and cranny of the business world has a lot to do with the seamless nature of business transactions across the globe.

However, there is always another side to the coin; the heightened competition means that somebody may want to knock you out and take over your customers. Your relevance in the business world depends hugely on how you can protect vital information about your company; data is the new crude, and anyone who can lay hands on your data can harm your organization.

Apart from the competition, hackers and other third parties are relentlessly working around the clock to grab your sensitive information. Nobody needs to tell you that your sensitive information, such as credit card details, passwords, payment information, and your whole identity, can cause harm to your company if it gets into the wrong hands.

Why does a company need a proxy?

In the competitive business world, you also need to know what others are doing; you’ll need to visit websites to discover what is trending in the business circle. To get around a situation where websites block you from assessing relevant information, you must seek means to counter geo-restrictions.

A company that wants to mask its IP address, freely visit websites without being blocked, and browse the web securely resorts to static residential proxies. To have an edge over the competition and ensure your sensitive data is protected, you need a combination of a strong and stable internet connection with a legitimate residential IP (internet protocol) address.

Originally, your ISP assigns your company an IP address; issues often arise from this setup because your ISP can peek into your company’s browsing activities. A proxy ensures that no ISP or a third party can track you by masking your real IP; it becomes difficult for prying eyes to discover where you are browsing.

For companies that crave anonymity while surfing the web, static residential IPs are the best options.

What are the types of proxies?

Whenever your computer connects to the internet, the ISP assigns it a unique code – an internet protocol (IP) address. This IP address is what other computers use to locate and communicate with your computer.

Your IP address can be static or dynamic; when your IP address is static, your computer will have a manually permanently assigned IP address by an internet service provider (ISP). A dynamic IP address is assigned to your computer each time you connect to the net by a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server.

Whether you use a static proxy or dynamic proxy depends on the nature of your business and what you intend to achieve.

What type of proxy do companies choose?

Many companies tend to choose a static residential IP over a dynamic proxy; the reasons they choose a static proxy include:

  • Stability – A static IP address does not change and avoids the constant interruptions to your connection as is observed with a dynamic proxy; no matter what you do, your static IP address will stay the same. A company will leverage the stability of the static residential proxy to improve its data scraping operations or streamline communication within a closed network.
  • Simplicity – You only need to configure a static residential proxy once; also, static residential IP is easy to get and simpler to maintain, set up, and manage with Domain Name System (DNS) servers.
  • Fast speed – When compared to eccentric consumer connections, static residential proxies can run on 1 Gbps or even faster lines. The low response time you get from a static residential proxy highly improves your connection speed.
  • High anonymity – Run by consumer internet service providers, a static residential proxy looks like your real and legitimate IP address to a website you intend to visit; you won’t need to go through the regular checks and balances websites do to determine an IP’s reputation and you can browse anonymously.

If you have a company that maintains its web server or another internet server that requires users to connect from the internet, such as an email server, your company should consider a static residential IP. Another reason your company should go for a static residential proxy is if some external devices or services need to connect to your network through an IP address code instead of using their real domain name, for example, you may have to connect with a code such as (75.132.332.72) instead of (welpmagazine.com).

Many companies now use VPNs; if your company falls into the group that needs a VPN to remotely connect to computers within the organization, a static residential IP address is essential.


The stiff competition in the global market deems it necessary for a company to do all it takes to remain relevant; customers have options across the globe and can churn out your products or services if they feel dissatisfied. Fast speed, anonymity, simplicity, and stability are essential for your company to remain relevant.

Incidentally, a static residential proxy comes with what you need to scale your business and make your company stand out.

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