What Are the Benefits of ISO 27001?

Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay
4 years ago

Implementing an information security management system will provide your organisation with a system that will help to eliminate or minimise the risk of a security breach that could have legal or business continuity implications.

An effective ISO 27001 information security management system (ISMS) provides a management framework of polices and procedures that will keep your information secure, whatever the format.

Following a series of high profile cases, it has proven to be very damaging to an organisation if information gets into the wrong hands or into the public domain. By establishing and maintaining a documented system of controls and management, risks can be identified and reduced.

ISO 27001 certification demonstrates that you have identified the risks, assessed the implications and put in place systemised controls to limit any damage to the organisation.

Benefits include:

  • Increased reliability and security of systems and information
  • Improved customer and business partner confidence
  • Increased business resilience
  • Alignment with customer requirements
  • Improved management processes and integration with corporate risk strategies

As an ISO 27001 certified information security management system is designed and implemented with these aims in mind it’s important for organisations to consider not only the processes and controls but the process of their implementation.

A professionally managed ISO 27001 roll out will provide an appropriate framework for the implementation and effective management of controls, taking into account the needs and resources of your organisation.

ISO 27001 is a globally recognised standard for information security management. ISO 27001 certified organisations have a documented system of policies and controls in place to help protect critical information assets from accidental or malicious loss, damage or compromise.

This article, therefore, concludes that ISO 27001 should be the way forward for information security management. It will provide the vital framework that can be established to determine what will be protected, how will it be protected and what will be the security level be for each part of the information assets. Being established by an ISO 27001 certification will also be a significant asset to the organisation. It will enhance the reputation of the brand as a reputable brand to do business with.

It provides assurance to the customers that the company is securely housed in the eyes of a trusted international body. It improves the chances of success and will also lessen the concerns that the customer might have.

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