Tips for Moving Into a New Office Space

Tips for Moving Into a New Office Space
4 years ago

Work situations have been in flux for the past year, and your old office may not be meeting your current needs. Whether you’re scaling up, downsizing, or simply relocating, these tips for moving into a new office space can make the process a lot smoother.

Start Planning Early

It doesn’t matter how far off you are from the move: start planning. The day will arrive before you know it, and you don’t want anything to slip through the cracks. Start taking inventory, get rid of extra stuff that doesn’t need to make the move, develop timelines, and research moving companies as hiring a professional to help you out would be less stressful. Tackle a little at a time and the big day will be less disruptive for your business.

Appoint a Moving Director

If you do it right, this will be a time-consuming process. Appoint a manager who can conduct the proceedings like a symphony (or at least make a lot of lists). Make sure they have help with their regular work and all the moving details. Setting goals is key, so empower the point person to get things done.

Measure Everything

There’s a wrong time to realize not everything will fit, and that time is when everyone is unpacking their desks. Don’t just eyeball it. You might need a new layout that could lead to better productivity. Some furniture might not make it to the location, so you might need to invest in new organizational solutions. Record measurements on blueprints so when Moving Day comes, all you have to do is fit in the pieces.

Label Everything

As the moving date gets closer, packing will get sloppier. But it doesn’t have to be disastrous if you label everything. If you end up throwing a bunch of miscellaneous items in a box, list the contents on the side and then label it as clearly as you can. Your moving manager can devise a numbering system which would help when you hire nyc office movers. Get busy with those Sharpies.

Take Care of Tech

Your technology equipment isn’t like your other office detritus and it shouldn’t be treated that way. You’ll be disconnecting and reconnecting computers and servers, which often involves sensitive data. Your I.T. department can tell you the best way to move everything without losing a beat. If you’re getting rid of equipment, make sure you responsibly decommission your data center and donate or recycle the hardware.

Change Your Address

You’ll need new stationery, business cards, return labels, and more. The sooner you order all that the better. You don’t want clients to get confused or packages to go missing. Enlist the entire staff so you don’t forget to update anyone. One of the most essential tips for moving into a new office space—and we can’t emphasize this enough—is to make sure that food delivery services know where to find you. If you can all survive moving day, you deserve a celebratory feast.

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