The Importance Of Good Email Management And How It Can Help Make Your Business Thrive

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2 years ago

Email management has become a hugely important part of business life. Allowing for optimum communication and great organization of messages and documents, management is crucial. If you want your business to thrive, you need to have great control over all of your emails.

Let’s take a look at how good email management can realistically make your business thrive.

Email Management Can Save You Time

Using the best email client allows you to save time. This time would have otherwise been spent searching for emails while hoping you hadn’t deleted them. When emails are organized into categories (such as “Video projects”) and subjects (Such as “Emails from the boss”), locating the emails you need is a relative breeze.

You won’t have to spend 10-15 minutes searching for an email. Rather, you can simply access those all-important emails within moments. As a result, it becomes easier getting to work on the task in question.

When you can organize an email by subject (Weekly sales figures), people (Sue Thomas in Admin), or recent activity (Yesterday’s emails), searching is so much easier. Frustrations are kept to a minimum, and tasks are completed much more quickly.

Better Productivity Is Achieved

Email management can have a real effect on productivity. As those important emails are easier to find, less time is wasted searching for them. Therefore, it’s possible to complete tasks sooner rather than later.

Some email clients even let you set up a “Do not disturb” option while you work. This is an option that can help you to stay focused. Again, better productivity is achieved. On average, employees tend to be productive for just 2 hours and 53 minutes each day. Those who are more productive can boost profits by as much as 21%.

Let’s face it, every business wants to be more productive. It wants employees to undertake tasks on time and to a high standard. Who would have thought that all this was possible thanks to better email management?

There Are Fewer Distractions

It’s possible to remove distractions such as notifications. You may not want to see notifications on your desktop as they can be hugely distracting. You know the ones, the notifications that pop up in the corner and stay there for 30 seconds.

When notifications are kept to a minimum, you can simply get on with the task at hand. This allows for better focus and the ability to complete tasks quickly.

Switching the notifications off means you can concentrate on finding a new supplier on time. When you’re done, you can move on to dealing with the order.

Multitasking can result in 40% less productivity. Try not to do two things at once. Concentrate on your current task and meet those deadlines.

A Better Work/Life Balance Is Achieved

When productivity is better and when your business is running in a more time efficient manner, there are rewards. One of the rewards involves having a better work/life balance.

We’re all told that we need to deal with our work/life balance so that one aspect does not drown out the other. Little did you know that making use of email management tools could help you to achieve this.

When emails are managed successfully, it’s possible to separate work emails from personal emails. This can help to avoid an imbalance in the work/life scenario.

Roughly 70% of people don’t think they have a good work/life balance. This is concerning. However, when work has finished for the day, it is possible to switch off and enjoy your leisure time. Some email clients such as Spike can differentiate between work and personal emails. Therefore, you can have more privacy.

Around 25% of employees say they are at risk of job-related burnout. Incredibly, 46% of those in Human Resources say that burnout is a result of almost 50% of their staff turnover. This is why it’s crucial that a better work/life balance is achieved.

Profits Can Increase

When time is spent more efficiently and productivity is increased it’s likely that profits also increase.

82% of businesses tend to fail due to cash flow problems. If you want to increase your profits so your business begins to thrive, managing your emails could have a profound effect.

Did You Know…?

Did you know that approximately 4 in 10 professionals check their emails via a mobile device? Most professionals spend up to 30 minutes a day searching for emails and deleting old ones.

Incredibly, many people have 200+ emails in their inboxes. They receive as many as 120 emails a day, but only read around 30 of them.

Good email management is absolutely essential. It really can help your business to thrive and reach your desired goals. Who knew that so much could be achieved by managing your emails? After all, it’s assumed that good email management merely revolves around having your emails in different folders. There’s much more to it than that, and with the right email client, many businesses can find it hugely beneficial.

Ultimately, if you want your business to thrive, start by managing your emails.

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