This article showcases our top picks for the Leadership Books For Coaches. We reached out to industry leaders and experts who have contributed the suggestions within this article (they have been credited for their contributions below).
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Inspiring Champions by Buck Martinez
This product was recommended by Buck Martinez from Student ACES

Inspiring Champions is intended to provide a powerful, yet simple guide to help you navigate through today’s challenging times. Each chapter include leadership lessons, stories, and probing questions that will give you the tools to stand up and be your own person and not conform to society’s norms. Inspiring Champions challenges you to become a transformational leader capable of developing a powerful and impactful vision that will influence others to follow you. Our country is desperate for young leadership lessons, stories, and probing questions that will give you the tools to stand up and be your own person and not conform to society’s norms. Inspiring Champions challenges you to become a transformational leader capable of developing a powerful and impactful vision that will influence others to follow you. Our country is desperate for young leaders capable of wearing the armor that protects against merciless and hateful attacks toward our fundamental principles such as hard work, respect for others and self, earning trust, and sacrificing for others and the country. You will learn the critical tools necessary to develop your brand, and the positive values and qualities that you will unleash on the world, and you will do it with a loud voice that many will hear and welcome. Be confident, poised, and strong as you begin your quest to be a transformational leader, and always remember: Stand Up and Be Yourself. Don’t let others intimidate, threaten, or harass you into accepting their baseless and false narratives. You can be the transformational leader that influences others to carry your message proudly and boldly. Without your leadership, we will continue slipping behind as a country. You, and America, were made for greatness. Be the one that makes it happen; don’t wait for someone else to lead. You can be a difference-maker.
Helping People Change by Richard Boyatzis
This product was recommended by Deepanshu Bedi from Exhalewell

I’ve been recommending this book to people for years because it is full of insightful, helpful information. People often take on coaching roles in their lives, whether they’re managers or not. This book helps people understand how they can coach others and themselves in a way that will be effective and rewarding. Coaching is not just about telling someone what to do but helping them find their own solutions to problems. This means that both parties must be open-minded, flexible, and willing to learn from each other. The authors explain how this works in detail with case studies and real-life examples, making it easy for anyone to understand how coaching works.
The Five Dysfunctions of a Team by Patrick Lencioni
This product was recommended by Linda Shaffer from Checkr

This book is an excellent resource for leaders who want to improve their team’s performance by addressing the five dysfunctions that can inhibit success: trust, conflict, commitment, accountability, and results. By reading this book, coaches will learn how to build a foundation of trust within their team, encourage healthy debate and conflict resolution, establish clear commitments, hold team members accountable to results, and create a culture of collective success. Coaches can benefit from reading this book because it provides a framework for understanding and addressing the challenges that can prevent a team from achieving its potential. By understanding the five dysfunctions of a team, coaches can take steps to create a more cohesive and effective team.
Relationship Leadership by Eddie Mac
This product was recommended by Eddie Mac from Relationship Leadership

Relationship Leadership As Millennials become our next generation of leaders (happening now), the question is simple. Do they have the tools in their Leadership toolbox to successfully take the First Step of Leadership? Relationship Leadership is a culturally aware, diverse, and non-industry specific tool that delivers the skills for every leader to become successful. It’s called Setting the Cornerstone and solves the problem of where to start and how to become a successful leader in today’s multifaceted coaching environment.
Help Them Grow or Watch Them Go by Beverly Kaye
This product was recommended by Andrew Tsionas from Kaizenzo

Help Them Grow or Watch Them Go: Career Conversations Organizations Need and Employees Want is the perfect book for coaches looking to become more confident in their ability to help employees find the right career path. Coaches have a unique opportunity to build strong relationships with employees, which can be a powerful tool in helping them succeed. This book shows you how to use that relationship to encourage your employees to take ownership of their careers rather than settle into an unhappy job. It’s more than just a book about career development; it also covers how to create an effective culture for developing talent within your organization.
Behind the Scenes by Kim Walsh Phillips
This product was recommended by Elizabeth Lombardo from Dr. Elizabeth Lombardo, Ph.D.

This compilation by Kim Walsh Philips and Angel France Dugas was released just a few years back and I absolutely love that they embraced a kind of anthology format where insights from several industry experts were gathered to serve as a practical guide for aspiring coaches. I believe more books in this format should come out. Most books on coaching that I’ve read so far were prescriptive. They teach coaches how to amplify their message and grow their business. This work, however, is more on the descriptive side. It teaches by showing how some of the top names in our industry do their thing, so that anyone who’s reading can take inspiration, not just follow instructions.
Wooden on Leadership by John Wooden
This product was recommended by Viktor Holas from Wise Barber

John Wooden is the greatest NCAA basketball coach of all time, winning 10 championships in a 12-year period as coach of the UCLA Bruins NCAA basketball team. This is a great book for anyone in a leadership position, but coaches will be uniquely drawn into the focus on getting the most out of your team in any situation. Wooden focuses on the important balance of intensity and controlling emotions, but this is not a book filled with metaphors or sports analogies. It has real practical advice and principles that are easy to see how they function in a team environment. It is also a quick read with a direct delivery, so that any coach can start putting these principles into practice quickly. Must read for any coach!
Performance Conversations by Christopher Lee
This product was recommended by Arthur Worsley from The Art of Living

Knowing how to ask the right questions at the right time is critical to inspiring change in oneself and in others. Every coach and/or leader needs to have a firm grasp of the skill of asking transformative questions, and that’s exactly what this book by Christopher Lee teaches. With this book, coaches and leaders will gain insights into the types of questions they need to be asking the people they’re coaching in different contexts and scenarios to facilitate improved decision making and productivity. Moreover, the book provides a comprehensive coaching checklist to ensure that coaches address every critical point in their sessions, making these more effective and impactful.
The Portable Coach by Thomas J Leonard
This product was recommended by Colleen Colodany from KidsWiki

The Portable Coach is the one that I connect with the most. the book has 28 chapters and even their headings are a chapter in themselves. It not only tells you different ways to implement a particular concept but also has a section that tells whether the principle is helping you grow. The book is written by the founder of Coach university who knows from experience what he is talking about. the language is not too hard to understand and direct which explains the concept with precision.
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey
This product was recommended by Layla Acharya from Edwize

If you’re a coach, then you know that leadership is a necessary trait to possess. You also understand that it’s not always easy to be a leader. But what if there was a book that could help you become a better leader? Enter The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. This book has been a bestseller for over 25 years, and for a good reason. It’s packed with essential wisdom on how to be an effective leader. The author, Stephen Covey, is a world-renowned authority on leadership, and his insights will help you develop the habits you need to be a successful coach. This book is a must-read if you’re serious about becoming a better leader.
Leading with the Heart by Mike Krzyzewski
This product was recommended by Chris Kowalski from Autopadre

I’m a massive hoops fan and love College ball, so as soon as I knew Coach K had written a book, I made it my business to find and read it, and it changed my life. The lessons that Mike imparts about life on the court can easily be applied to most professional settings and the more personal ideas he shares can help anyone to turn their life around and become more positive. It’s a leadership book written by one of the greatest coaches of all time that any aspiring coach can learn a lesson or ten from.
Adventures in Local Politics by Jeff Perlman
This product was recommended by Michelle Gamble from 3L Publishing

Adventures in Local Politics guides readers through a memoir written to illustrate how to be a leader who has heart. It’s perfect for leadership coaches, because it teaches how to be an effective leader through case studies, which are actual stories from Perlman’s experiences. Adventures in Local Politics is the story of how one community found its way through visionary leadership and citizen engagement. The book serves as a useful guide to all those who want to lead positive change in their communities and tells the story of a former journalist turned mayor who helped to advance his city’s revitalization.
The Innovator’s Dilemma by Clayton M. Christensen
This product was recommended by Adam Garcia from The Stock Dork

The Innovator’s Dilemma is a business classic written by Clayton Christensen, thoroughly defining the power of disruption. The book has three main points essential for the role of business mentors. These include the distinction between sustaining and disruptive technologies, the company’s compatibility with the market, and the solution for the innovator’s dilemma. The author believes disruptive technology should not be treated as a technological issue. Instead, it should be framed as a marketing challenge each organizational leader must overcome with their coach.
The WE Gear by Lance Loya
This product was recommended by Kevin Harris from NANBF

A fantastic book on leadership that every coach should read is The WE Gear by Lance Loya. It explores how working as a team isn’t trying to do the best work you can do, but how you can help everyone else work their best around you. The book really helps understand what makes a team the best it can be.
Start with Why by Simon Sinek
This product was recommended by Louis Russell from Kuhamia

Books have also been an integral part of my life as they have shaped me and helped me throughout my business career. I have gone through many leadership-related books during my initial years of entrepreneurship. So I think I can offer some insights into your query by sharing my own recommendation. My first recommendation would be Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action by Simon Sinek, as it unfolds the different layers of the principle on which the idea of leadership is sustained. I found this book very appealing and of splendid nature because it deals with many aspects of life and tells us why it is necessary to take action against the odds of life and how some of the world’s great leaders inspire millions of people to do the same across the globe. This is a must-read for coaches as it makes them acquainted with some new ideas on leadership.
Dare to Lead by Brené Brown
This product was recommended by Elijah Miller from RC Ride On Cars

I really enjoyed how this book has an emphasis on empowering the reader, rather than just explaining leadership lessons. The message of Dare to Lead follows one of bravery – it shows you how you can be courageous and resilient enough to be a brilliant leader. I think this is an excellent narrative for coaches because it takes a lot of mental power to truly inspire others to make the best of themselves!
The Culture Code by Daniel Coyle
This product was recommended by Kathleen Ahmmed from USCarJunker

The Culture Code offers up a broad and scientific look at what makes top organizations so world-class by simplifying what it is that makes their teams so great. And according to the author Daniel Coyle, he manages to simplify that answer into three main attributes; shared vulnerability, psychological safety, and an established sense of purpose. In this respect, the book also offers up a wide variety of examples and ideas for implementation, as well as plenty of starting points, and tips, that readers can practically use to effectively build themselves a stronger and performing higher team environment.
Coaching for Performance by Sir John Whitmore
This product was recommended by Eva Decker from iDigic

All the coaches who want to lead their teams towards success and wins should read the book Coaching for performance. The book is an excellent guide toward ideas, principles, and examples that a coach needs to teach their team. In the book, the writer Sir John Whitemore focuses on dialogues and strengths required during the initial periods of training. The book also provides high-performance thoughts on perceptions and the reality of coaching. The book is ideal of extreme practice and dedication in the support.
Above the Line by Urban Meyer
This product was recommended by Rick Nehora from California Law Firm

The book gives out the leadership theory and ideas of the coach and how other coaches can use it for excellence and wins in the future. In the book, coaches and mentors look for real-life solutions while dealing with problems on the field. The book also gives us ways to deal with failures and how mentors can turn them into a win for the next match. And lastly, the book also gives coaches an idea of bringing out the best in a player and teaches ways to mold them into extraordinary players on the field.
The Disciplined Listening Method by Michael Reddington
This product was recommended by Michael Haas from AngryBBQ

People should be mindful of their reason for listening. This is the core behavior that Michael Reddington, a Certified Forensic Interviewer, emphasizes in his book “ The Disciplined Listening Method.” His message is especially relevant for coaches reading leadership books, for whatever purpose. People who believe in a good reason to listen tend to engage better with the speaker, share good suggestions and make more aligned decisions. Likewise, they could improve the thoroughness and accuracy of their evaluations because their goal is always before them when they proactively focus on the verbal and non-verbal cues of team members who are sharing their thoughts.
The Score Takes Care of Itself by Bill Walsh
This product was recommended by Ryan Stewart from Webris

Remarkably, this is written from the first-hand experience of Bill Walsh, a three-time Super Bowl winner, and Hall of Famer. He is both a coach and a leader who stood influential in transforming the San Francisco 49ers from being the worst franchise in history to becoming a formidable team. Similar to the National Football League situation, organizations can find greatness or renewed vigor with a few tools up their sleeves. He recommends carrying out a clear Standard of Performance—a template of expectations and behaviors for the team members. Success is never far when each becomes more familiar with their roles and identifies ways to perform at their best. Through this book, Walsh’s words of wisdom inspire, enlighten, and encourage leaders to function effectively and form a great team.
Your Brain at Work by David Rock
This product was recommended by Tracey Wilson from Agile Leadership Journey

In this lighthearted, witty, easy read, David Rock sheds light on how our brains work. Through everyday scenarios coupled with neuroscience research this book helps build awareness of the capacity of our brains as well as its limitations. With this awareness, Rock provides practical tools to be implemented in our daily lives and interactions both at home and at work. If you (and your coaching clients) want to make every interaction, conversation, and communication better, you need to understand the SCARF model which Rock describes as the five social domains that drive human behavior: status, certainty, autonomy, relatedness, and fairness. Giving and receiving feedback fundamentally changes with the awareness of how each of these domains can be associated as a threat or a reward.
My Daily Leadership by Antonio Garrido
This product was recommended by Antonio Garrido from My Daily Leadership

My Daily Leadership: A Powerful Roadmap for Leadership Success offers a uniquely practical and powerful roadmap designed to help the reader learn the daily habits, mindsets, and strategies that will unlock their full leadership potential. In the book, Antonio provides a clear and structured leadership development framework to follow, and uncovers the Core Elements of Exceptional Leadership and twenty Critical Performance Competencies all leaders need to futureproof themselves, their people, and their business.
The Power Of Habit by Charles Duhigg
This product was recommended by Mark Blakey from Autism Parenting Magazine

The book explains how habits are formed and how they can be changed. It also provides specific strategies for creating productive habits in both individuals and organizations. The Power of Habit is a valuable resource for coaches because it helps them understand the behavior of their players, clients, and customers, and helps them create routines that will promote success. The book is also helpful for coaches who are trying to create a winning culture within their team.