Very few members of the workforce have genuine affection for their jobs. In fact, a significant percentage of workers actively hate what they do for a living. While it’s true that work generally isn’t regarded as an enjoyable experience, remaining in a job you hate can have an undesirable impact on your mental health. Given how much time many of us spend working, a job from which you derive some enjoyment is certainly preferable to one from which you derive none. As such, if you have nothing but disdain for your current occupation, consider the following measures.
Return to School
Given the enormous rates of job dissatisfaction, it should come as no surprise that adults are returning to school in droves. In some cases, the goal of continued education is advancing one’s current career. Other times, the goal is a new career entirely.
Of course, while it’s easy to see why so many people are going back to school, it’s even easier to see why so many of us are hesitant to do so. For example, if you have a full-time job and/or family obligations, you may think there’s simply no room for school in your current schedule. Alternatively, even if you have the time, going back to school can be scary, especially if you’ve been away from the classroom for a very long time.
Fortunately, it’s never been easier to continue your education on a schedule that suits your unique needs. Over the last two decades, remote learning options have become increasingly commonplace and popular among students with hectic lifestyles. Unsurprisingly, earning a degree from the comfort of home is a very appealing prospect to people who don’t have the time or energy for traditional college.
Pursue Remote Work Options
Some people’s disdain for their jobs stems more from the office experience than the work itself. Considering how stressful modern workplaces can be, this is perfectly understandable. Not only do many office workers have to navigate complicated interoffice politics and pick up the slack of their coworkers, they also have to get up at uncomfortably early hours and suffer through congested commutes.
Fortunately, thanks to advances in technology, most desk jobs can now be done remotely. In fact, as many companies came to discover during the COVID-19 pandemic, remote work is a far more feasible option than they previously believed. So, if the office experience has caused you to lose your professional motivation, talk to the relevant parties about working remotely. You may find that working outside of the confines of an office space increases your productivity and reinvigorates your passion for what you do.
Develop a Clear Picture of What You Want Out of a Job
Despite hating their current jobs, many members of the workforce don’t have a clear picture of what they want out of a career. Sitting down and thinking about what your ideal job looks like can be a great first step in switching career paths. For example, once you know exactly where you want to be, you can start working out the necessary steps to get there – i.e., going back to school, requesting a promotion or pursuing opportunities with other employers.
Invest in Rental Properties
If passive income is what you’re after, consider investing in rental properties. Multi-family development investment opportunities can provide you with abundant income, potentially enabling you to leave a job you don’t enjoy. Just make sure to read up on local and federal housing laws and thoroughly inspect any property you’re thinking about investing in. Additionally, take care to keep a hefty sum on hand for any maintenance issues that arise.
People who enjoy their jobs are few and far between – and it isn’t hard to see why. Not only is working an inherently stressful, unpleasant experience, many companies regularly take measures to make things even harder on employees. As such, there’s little wonder as to why workplace stress and professional burnout are at all-time highs. Although many people dream of casting off the shackles of their unfulfilling careers, few actually follow through. However, as evidenced by the previously discussed tips, leaving a job you hate isn’t quite as much of an ordeal as you may think.