How Retailers Can Improve the Customer Experience

How Retailers Can Improve the Customer Experience
3 years ago

With the boom of online shopping, retail stores feel like an afterthought for many consumers. The convenience of ordering something and having it arrive at your doorstep interests many, but that doesn’t mean retail stores should stay stagnant. There are several ways that retailers can improve the customer experience and make things more enjoyable when shopping in-store.

Reward Loyal Shoppers

Even if you are a regular at a specific retail store, it’s easy to start feeling underappreciated when you are shopping around. An excellent way to make customers feel included is by rewarding loyal shoppers. Retailers can do this in numerous examples, including a rewards program, special coupons, or digital gift cards. Any of these options will keep loyal customers coming back because they feel valued and rewarded.

Remodel & Rearrange

Entering a store and seeing the same old setup can be tedious. In fact, some stores have looked the same since they came into existence. Remodeling the store helps make everything feel new and fresh, enticing the customer to wander and explore the entire store. If you know the items you want, you’ll go get those items and bolt. Rearranging how things are organized may entice customers to purchase items they had no intention of buying.

Play That Funky Music

Shopping in silence is a miserable experience. You don’t want to feel like you’re in a library when you are in the store. You’ll end up hearing every squeaky wheel and rambunctious child without the distraction of music. Studies show that background music influences buying decisions and how long a customer will stay in a store, especially if someone connects strongly to a specific song. It’s easy to lose all your senses when dancing in the aisles, causing you to throw items in your cart recklessly.

Focus on Indirect Buyers

Enticing indirect buyers helps make your customers feel noticed while also increasing your sales. For example, if a family is looking at a bicycle, it’s often safe to assume that the child will not be the person buying the product. However, that child’s opinion is likely going to be the driving factor of the purchase. Understanding and appreciating the indirect buyer will be a rewarding experience for all involved.

Following these tips on how retailers can improve the customer experience might be the difference that brings in some extra revenue. Happy customers are the reason for that increased revenue, and satisfied customers keep coming back.

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