Experts Tell Us the Best Books on Strategy and Tactics

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2 years ago
This article showcases our top picks for the Books on Strategy and Tactics. We reached out to industry leaders and experts who have contributed the suggestions within this article (they have been credited for their contributions below). We are keen to hear your feedback on all of our content and our comment section is a moderated space to express your thoughts and feelings related (or not) to this article This list is in no particular order.

Billion Dollar Lessons by Paul B. Carroll

This product was recommended by Edith Hamilton from NEXT New Growth

I would consider a very effective book on strategy and tactics when it comes to your personal and professional growth. It provides the tools you need to create a strong strategy and – more importantly – understand how to execute it through smart decision-making. What makes this book unique is that it is centered around major failures and what went wrong as a way to teach you. Hearing and learning about successful stories can be effective and helpful, but hearing about failures and what went wrong in the strategic planning can be very insightful.

The Warlords by Jorge Alterto Vasconcellos E. Sa

This product was recommended by Jason Cordes from CocoLoan

This book is essential reading for managers who want to know more about the strategic aspects of their business. The framework that the author proposes is simple to understand and, I believe, extremely useful in helping business leader formulate their strategies. It is practical and can be used in any industry.

Leadership Strategy and Tactics by Jocko Willink

This product was recommended by Jason Cordes from CocoLoan

JOCKO WILLINK was a Navy SEAL for 20 years, rising through the ranks to become commander of Task Unit Bruiser, the most decorated Special Operations Unit of the Iraq War. After retiring, Willink continued on the disciplined path of success, co-founding Echelon Front, a premier leadership and management consulting company, writing the #1 New York Times bestsellers Extreme Ownership,

Masters of Command by Barry Strauss

This product was recommended by Jason Cordes from CocoLoan

Understanding where Alexander, Hannibal, and Caesar succeeded and failed can serve anyone who thinks strategically – whether in business or elsewhere – to analyze their actions. Masters of Command is a guidebook for the battlefield and the boardroom alike.

The Art of Strategy by Avinash K. Dixit

This product was recommended by Chiara Sternardi from PhotoAiD

It is a comprehensive guide to strategies using the game theory. It is applicable in every aspect of your life, both private and professional, and it provides some strategies link to mathematics and logic. It can show possible solutions to what may initially appear to be unsolvable problems.

The 4 Hour Work-Week by Tim Ferriss

This product was recommended by Rohan Kadam from Bikingknowhow

This is a very action-driven business book. This book has profiles, case studies, and tips on many successful digital nomads. It helped me set up a successful Niche blog which today has 7K daily visitors and 500+ social media followers.

Get Rich Click! by Marc Ostrofsky

This product was recommended by Rohan Kadam from Bikingknowhow

Marc is amazing! This book literally has everything one needs to know about e-Commerce and making money online. The book has many successful case studies regarding eBay’s success, dropshipping, amazon marketplace, and much more. It’s one of those ‘eternal’ books that you keep referring to, as it is packed with terrific resources, action checklists, and superlative strategies that every online marketer should employ. A must-read for anyone who wants to promote anything on the web.

Strategy Six Pack 5 by Jacob Abbott

This product was recommended by Ellie Walters from FindPeopleFaster

The book, Strategy Six Pack 5 – A Treatise on Tactics, The English Civil War, Genghis Khan, The Boer War, Morgan’s Raid and Garibaldi, is written by various authors. The combined experience and knowledge base of all these authors makes it perfect for reading if you want to understand Strategy and Tactics. This book contains a detailed, sophisticated mid-Victorian survey delineating trends in military thinking as relates to the three branches of Infantry, Artillery and Cavalry. The book was published in 2015 and gives a glimpse into the life of general John Hunt Morgan and his troops.

Strategic & Tactical Considerations on the Fireground by Jim Smith

This product was recommended by Cindy Corpis from SearchPeopleFree

Strategic and Tactical Considerations on the Fireground, Revised, focuses on writer Chief Smith’s tenure working in one of the country’s major fire services, combining study and more than 40 years of practical field experience. This comprehensive guide covers both strategic and tactical decisions, bringing readers through the issue diagnosis and resolution procedure.

CHESS by Andy Dunn

This product was recommended by Cindy Corpis from SearchPeopleFree

This new battle plan includes methods that will help you become the next chess king. The goal is to keep one jump ahead of your competitor and understand how to manage the turmoil on the board. What appears to be in sequence and queued up before the game begins can quickly devolve into turmoil after the first action. In chess, each piece is crucial to a successful strategy. If you really want to improve your strategy game, you can’t afford to overlook the most crucial plays.

Good Strategy/Bad Strategy by Richard Rumelt

This product was recommended by Madilyn Hill from TruePersonFinder Inc.

This book gives you a roadmap to develop and implement a powerful action-oriented strategy for the world. Rumelt discusses effective tools that can easily be put to work and use examples from business, technology, finance, military affairs, and nonprofits to bring detailed and practical ideas to work. Developing and implementing a strategy to work is a difficult and central task for a leader. This book contains fluffy buzz words, motivational slogans, and financial goals.

The Strategy and Tactics of Pricing by Thomas T. Nagle

This product was recommended by Stella Cooper from PaydayLoansUK

Learn to manage the market strategically and grow profitably with this book. It features a harnessing concept from behavioral economics and values cascade structure to the topics. The strategy and tactics of the pricing book explain foreign exchange risks, specialized strategies, reaction to market slums, and managing transfer prices between independent profit centers. This easy-to-read book is ideal for students and professionals. Its companion website features PowerPoint slides and an instructor manual, including mini-cases, examination ques, and instructor manual.

On Grand Strategy by John Lewis Gaddis

This product was recommended by Steven Walker from Spylix

On Grand Strategy is a book written by Yale Professor Gaddis that contains his strategy class. Gaddis provides strategic insights through snippets of historical writings and individuals. From Thucydides to Lincoln, the indirect route and the distinction between Foxes and Hedgehogs demonstrate how the best strategists keep a laser focus on the goal while navigating obstacles.

Washington by Ron Chernow

This product was recommended by Steven Walker from Spylix

A Life Washington is an example of losing the fight to win the war, although winning more battles than he lost.. More than anything, Washington’s strategic genius is demonstrated by his ability to keep the revolution alive in his men for eight years. Examine Washington as a strategic genius to see the distinctions between Napoleon’s ambition with no ultimate goal in sight and Washington’s single goal of establishing a new nation. Off the battlefield, that goal is fulfilled by establishing the president’s office.

Hannibal By Patrick Hunt

This product was recommended by Steven Walker from Spylix

Hannibal could be regarded as one of history’s greatest strategists. Hannibal’s influence on Rome’s military strategy is even more obvious, as Scipio Africanus embraced many of Hannibal’s tactics and strategies. From humiliating Rome to influencing Rome’s policies to defeat him later, he had a hand in everything.

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