Best Project Management Software For Contractors | Expert Recommendations

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2 years ago
This article showcases our top picks for the Best Project Management Software For Contractors. We reached out to industry leaders and experts who have contributed the suggestions within this article (they have been credited for their contributions below). We are keen to hear your feedback on all of our content and our comment section is a moderated space to express your thoughts and feelings related (or not) to this article This list is in no particular order.


This product was recommended by Kyle Shirley from Sol Vista Roofing

JobNimbus is a fully customizable solution designed specifically for contractors, and has helped organize our company’s processes beyond what we thought was possible. It allows us to create workflows, automations, reports, and dashboards so we can focus on what we do best: building great roofs for our customers.


This product was recommended by Josh Nelson from Seven Figure Agency

Construction contractors and small to midsize construction enterprises can use this online construction project management tool. The product is packed with features, and the firm has a strong client base. It is one of the most cost-effective full-featured construction project management tools available. This software is ideal for small to medium businesses. Because RedTeam’s product is web-based, it can be accessed from any device that has Internet connectivity. FieldShare, a RedTeam mobile app, allows contractors and subcontractors to update task progress, upload images, and access project information when away from the job site. This program is likewise jam-packed with capabilities, and it should enough for the majority of small enterprises and contractors. It will even work for many huge construction companies if they don’t have any special requirements. This software starts with $395 per month and around $4800 per year. This may seem costly for small business or contractor, but with a long list of capabilities and time-saving power, many people will find it’s reasonable.


This product was recommended by Stella Scott from EasyPaydayLoan

Bluebeam is a project management software for design and construction professionals, including design firms, architects, and specialty contractors, with a vast community worldwide. This software helps streamline workflows and improve collaboration among team members in real-time with customizable markup tools. It also offers two versions of a software called Revu and Revu for iPad. Bluebeam is an excellent choice for larger companies because it already serves several large companies and knows what valuable features to include.


This product was recommended by Stella Scott from EasyPaydayLoan

This is a cloud-based project management software for constructors designed to help every builder budget by offering an easy-to-use platform to manage projects, financials, and resources all in one place. It’s used by contractors, owners, subcontractors, and public agencies because it integrates seamlessly with other platforms, enabling users to communicate across disparate teams. This makes it easier to work together by eliminating silos and establishing a single source of information. With the inclusive cheap pricing of this project management software, its capital planning capabilities make it a great recommendation for big construction firms.

Sage 100 Contractor

This product was recommended by Kevin Jefferson from PlainHelp

The software has many 3rd party solutions for specific needs for a wide variety of trades. When we were choosing a program, our biggest consideration was whether the software allows 3rd party developers to create specialty solutions.


This product was recommended by Siva Mahesh from Dreamshala

JobProgress is a comprehensive, cloud-based software built for contractors by contractors. Teams can access all the data they need to complete their tasks seamlessly through a simple, streamlined interface. Among JobProgress’ impressive features include a customized job and workflow management dashboard, intuitive customer relationship manager, and sales, branding, and marketing tools. It keeps all project-related items such as graphics, pricing tables, and messages in one place. JobProgress also stands out for its excellent customer support function that’s available right from onboarding to regular use.

Remote by Remote Technology

This product was recommended by Alex Buchnev from Paddling Space

Managing contract workers is made easier with Remote. Remote features a variety of payment options in more than 100 currencies. This is an advantage, especially if you directly send out the payroll. It also has a built-in template tailored to different countries and abides by their laws and regulations to protect you and your freelancers from penalties.


This product was recommended by Joe Lonsdale from N/A

Fieldwire was established in 2013 and is concentrated on precision and productivity. It is a field management solution for construction groups on projects of all sizes. It is used on over 1,000,000 projects worldwide and is headquartered in San Francisco, California.6 It is geared toward general and specialty contractors, owners, architects, and designers. It utilizes real-time push information and emails to ensure tasks are being completed on time. We selected Fieldwire as our best free option because it offers a free version of its software, as well as several inexpensive and Cheap options that offer more features for additional users.


This product was recommended by Debbie Meeuws from Nature’s Arc Organic

Synchroteam offers the convenience of accessibility— you can get job management tasks done efficiently on your mobile phones. Their system is very adaptive to different OS with cloud-based SaaS, enabling you to create a sort of hub from which you can integrate all the mobile apps you use for communicating with your contractors.


This product was recommended by Josh Smith from Optimal Roofing

Acculynx is a full service software to help you manage the entire pipeline of your sales and project management. It offers a diverse range of features to help track potential clients, manage ongoing jobs, and even help invoice and get paid quicker. There are multiple integrations you can use to link your suppliers price lists and order material directly through the clients job profile to seamlessly keep records up to date for expenses. As well, there are other integrations available for connection with QuickBooks, ability to text clients through the software, and automatically send out emails at crucial steps in the project. Acculynx has been a great tool to help scale my business and save countless hours of work, giving me more time to do the things that are more important.

Jonas Premier

This product was recommended by Will Cannon from Uplead

Jonas Premier is the most commonly used software among construction contractors. Using this software, civil contractors can perform numerous activities such as job costing, estimation, project management, field reporting, purchase order management, subcontracting, billing, time management, documentation, inventory management, and the list goes on. This tool also contributes a lot to the careful monitoring of projects and detailed reporting of the activities. The cost of this software starts from $199 per user per month.


This product was recommended by Will Cannon from Uplead

Knowify is also called Construction management software that offers every tool to support a contracting company right from job estimation to performance monitoring. It features a complete purchase management module along with real-time monitoring in terms of manpower and material required for the contract. Apart from all the common tools for contract management, this tool also offers additional features ineffective document management, report generation, and e-signature management. The cost of this tool starts at $68 per month if paid annually.


This product was recommended by Laura Brennan from Flycast Media

I know everybody loves Slack, but at our organisation we feel Basecamp is an absolute godsend for managing multiple projects with contractors. In the past everybody used to manage projects by email which is a really long-winded way of (not) getting anything done. The etiquette and niceties of email mean that you can’t just drop a quick question to someone without seeming rude if you don’t add “how are you?” or on a Monday “how was your weekend?”. Project chat etiquette is different; you can just say “did you fix X?” or “who is responsible for Y” without wasting time worrying about upsetting people. I guarantee this saves more time than anything else. Don’t get me wrong, we’ve tried multiple platforms and Basecamp is by far the most intuitive to use.


This product was recommended by Allan Stolc from Bankly

Buildbook is a powerful construction management software that specializes in residential construction projects. The simplicity of its user interface makes it more friendly and convenient for companies with people who are not technologically inclined. It works like a typical social networking app. The features are easy to learn and navigate, making it enticing to small- and medium-scale establishments. Buildbook also improves job efficiency by reducing work hours and providing high-quality projects that every client can benefit from.

Oracle Aconex

This product was recommended by Joe Oentoro from N/A

Oracle Aconex is construction project management software that allows project visibility, risk reduction, control, and collaboration across teams. Design and construction coordination, project controls, cost management, document management, and field management are all instruments that make construction project administration simpler. Users merely need a web browser and their login credentials to utilize this cloud-based program. Oracle Aconex allows users to manage documents and models of any size, kind, or number of files safely. It presents strong version control, automated custom processes, and real-time workflow tracking and reporting.

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Agile development stands at the forefront of the software industry, championing an iterative, high-speed approach reliant on effective team communication and collaboration for success. This piece underscores the indispensable role played by dedicated development teams in agile projects, shedding light on their significance, advantages, challenges, and vital management techniques. Engagement Models in Software Development As businesses embark on software development endeavors, they confront a pivotal decision in choosing the most suitable engagement model for collaborating with skilled teams. Fixed-Price Model Ensures project completion within set timelines and budgets, but may lead to increased costs for desired changes, limiting customization options. Time and Material Approach Offers flexibility by compensating teams based on hours dedicated to the project, allowing for easy adjustments and ideal for projects needing intermittent attention. Dedicated Team Model Balances fixed-price and time & material models, employing specialized teams for adaptable project scopes, ensuring reliability and flexibility in long-term delivery. The Importance of Dedicated Teams in Agile Development Agile development relies on dedicated teams, diverging from traditional project management methods. These teams prioritize frequent collaboration and communication to swiftly adjust requirements and task priorities. Comprised of professionals fully committed to the project, dedicated development teams collaborate to deliver innovative solutions and top-tier results. This section explores their crucial role in agile development and essential strategies for effective team management. Success in agile development depends on the expertise and cooperation of dedicated teams. Efficient communication, coordination, and excellence from every member are crucial for timely results, highlighting the necessity of dedicated software developers. Clear alignment with core business goals and expectations is essential for project success. The Advantages of Employing a Dedicated Team in Agile Development Using a dedicated development team in agile projects has many benefits. Firstly, their commitment ensures excellent results, boosting project success. Secondly, their teamwork increases productivity. Lastly, having a dedicated team improves oversight and control over the project's progress, aiding in accurate outcome estimation. Improved Collaboration and Communication Engaging a dedicated development team in agile projects also yields enhanced collaboration and communication advantages. This dedicated group fosters close cooperation among remote team members, bolstering comprehension of roles and responsibilities and accelerating progress towards business objectives. Establishing dedicated software development teams helps alleviate miscommunication and ensures alignment towards shared goals. Employing a dedicated team also fosters transparency, encouraging open expression of thoughts, seeking advice, and addressing concerns. Quality Assurance and Timely Delivery A dedicated development team in agile development leads to enhanced quality assurance, expedited delivery times, and early issue detection. Collaborative efforts enable swift and effective resolution of such matters, facilitating prompt progress to subsequent tasks. Implementing a dedicated software development team helps minimize delays and ensures alignment with quality expectations. Furthermore, dedicated teams operate with heightened productivity, enabling swift completion of development tasks and adherence to project deadlines. Flexibility and Scalability By enlisting a dedicated development team, projects become more adaptable and scalable. This enables easy adjustment to changes in market conditions or requirements. Businesses can readily modify the team size to match project needs without interrupting ongoing work, ensuring projects remain on schedule and are delivered punctually. Comparing In-House and Outsourced Development Teams In-House Development Team: An in-house dedicated team comprises full-time employees working solely for one company. They have deep knowledge of the company's culture, practices, and technology, smoothly handling projects from start to finish. However, there are challenges with in-house teams: Cost Concerns: Maintaining an in-house team can be expensive, including expenses like recruitment, training, salaries, and benefits, which may strain smaller companies or startups with limited budgets. Expertise Limitations: Internal teams may lack specialized knowledge, technical skills, or industry-specific expertise compared to external teams, particularly in niche industries or specific skill sets. Scalability Issues: In-house teams may struggle to adjust their capacity swiftly to meet changing project demands or priorities. Flexibility Constraints: Internally-based teams may find it challenging to accommodate varying working hours, meet project deadlines, or adapt to different methodologies compared to outsourced teams. Outsourced Development Team: External dedicated development teams, sourced from third-party providers, focus solely on the organization's projects. These professionals offer numerous advantages: Cost Savings: Outsourced teams often provide competitive pricing, reducing expenses on infrastructure, technology, and overhead costs. Access to Expertise: Engaging with a software outsourcing company grants access to specialists from a global talent pool with the required skills and experience. Scalability: Outsourced teams can adjust their workforce to match fluctuations in project scope and priorities, making them valuable for businesses. Flexibility: Remote outsourcing allows for greater flexibility in working hours, project deadlines, and delivery processes. Outsourced development team offers benefits despite challenges like language barriers and time zones. Good communication and teamwork can help overcome these issues. Leaders should consider these advantages when deciding on the best approach for their company's goals. Wrapping Up Having a dedicated team is crucial for success in agile development. Consider the pros and cons of internal versus outsourced teams. While internal teams offer control, they can be more expensive, whereas outsourcing provides expertise at lower costs. If you decide to go with an outsourced dedicated team, VT Labs can provide skilled engineers to meet your agile development requirements.

Dedicated Teams: The Backbone of Agile Development

Agile development stands at the forefront of the software industry, championing an