5 Tips for Becoming a Better Leader and Manager

Image by StartupStockPhotos from Pixabay
3 years ago

Effective management is not an easy task. Even if you have a pair of ropes connected to your feet, entering into a managerial post can seem a little like bungee jumping, even with hundreds of available resources.

Maintaining a smooth project management team is difficult, especially when funds are tight and expectations are high. That’s why every manager must figure out the ideal method to lead and motivate their team, and there are a few guiding principles that will keep them on the right track.

Keep Communication Honest and Open

A good leader and a good manager that keeps the whole team running smoothly is a person that knows how to communicate effectively. This is the most important prerequisite to take care of if you want to improve yourself.

When you are in charge of a group of individuals, it’s critical to be honest. Your business and its employees are a mirror of you, and if you prioritize honesty and ethics, your staff will follow.

Great leaders can tailor their relationships and communication approaches to each situation and team member based on their preferences. This implies you should spend time determining which style of communication each team member prefers.

Demonstrate active communication skills and openness because that is the only way to successfully communicate.

Always Aim at Growth

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As a manager, your primary goal should be to assist your people in improving themselves both individually and collectively.

Get to know your employees on a personal level so you can assist them in maximizing their skills and interests. Find out what works and what doesn’t, concentrate on removing roadblocks so your employees can perform at their best.

According to several experts, managers should have a development goal that isn’t related exclusively to the business. So, have one goal that isn’t related to a business outcome and focuses on the development of a member of your team.

This could include improving presentation skills by sharing work with a large group or learning a new language.

Promote DEI

Promoting equity diversity and inclusion in the workplace is an absolute must for every ambitious manager. Collaboration among a wider spectrum of viewpoints leads to more creative thinking and unique ideas, which is required by the market. It’s difficult to overestimate the value of having a varied group of people at the table when making decisions.

You’ll need buy-in from all levels of the business to shake up a sluggish, homogeneous workforce. You can create reasonable goals after everyone is on board, and then do whatever it takes to achieve meaningful progress toward those goals.

Work with your CEO and HR leadership to shift your direction if everyone looks, sounds, and eventually acts the same way. Changing your hiring procedures, corporate culture, employer brand, or implementing a mix of these and other variables will and should be a company-wide initiative.

Offer Training

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According to a Grovo survey, almost 90% of managers wish they had been given the opportunity to learn and grow when they first started their job. And nearly half of new managers felt unprepared for their position.

Before hiring, every organization should provide training. However, many organizations fail to prioritize management development as much as they could, whether due to program costs or a lack of time.

In fact, quite a few organizations limit these seminars to top executives and only do workshops a few times a year. And although these sessions can be pleasant and encouraging, they rarely have an impact on day-to-day tasks. Furthermore, most businesses cannot afford to send every new manager to a management seminar their first week on the job.

Internal training may be a plausible solution, particularly for small businesses. To go through the essentials, host a few meetings with other corporate specialists or managers. If you can’t host in-person meetings due to the pandemic, remember that a virtual meeting is also a valid option.

Delegate and Support

You’ll build better confidence and accountability in your staff if you take a step back and let them do their jobs. You’ll also be assisting them in their efforts to enhance their skill sets and decision-making talents.

Don’t bother them or keep an eye on them as if you were their older brother. Instead, you should be their biggest cheerleader and most ardent supporter.

Ensure that your executive team is aware of your group’s achievements, collaborate with senior employees to get credit for the team’s efforts, and be vigilant in rewarding individual achievers with promotions when appropriate.

Don’t forget to credit those who deserve it. Every victory, no matter how minor, deserves to be celebrated.

Also, if you plan on rewarding your employees for their efforts, don’t be stingy when doing so. There is no worse feeling for an employee than getting a cheap present as a reward for reaching a certain milestone.

Final Words

Effective leadership does not come in a pre-packaged, one-size-fits-all box. That is why you need to take as much as you can from this mini-guide to improve your chances of success.

Remember, whatever you do as a leader, you should always lead by example. Those who work for you will look up to you, they will imitate your behavior. That’s a great responsibility and you should approach it seriously.

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