3 years ago

A practical and resourceful website that generates ongoing customer engagement is one of the most effective marketing tools that your business can have in its arsenal.

Creating an online information hub for your business can make a difference in your profit margin when the site is designed with optimal content and tools that help inform customers and allow for easier decision-making. But where do you begin and how do you know what matters most in the setup of your business website?

4 Tips for Building a Business Website

Check out these tips for getting your business website up and running:

1. Invest in a Reputable Hosting Site

Website hosting providers offer services and support that are essential in continually driving traffic to your site and keeping it up and running. While there are dozens of website hosting providers available, you’ll want one that’s within your organization’s budget and meets your needs.

Perhaps you’re running an e-commerce site and need additional support for online transactions. Hosting plans are available in a variety of options and give you the choice of having a shared server, where your site shares resources with other customers, versus a better choice known as a virtual private server (VPS) that offers more security and greater performance.

Additionally, make note of which hosting providers offer phone and online support for added peace of mind.

2. Choose a Good Domain Name

Your website’s domain name is your calling card. It’s the way your customers will identify and remember you, so it must represent your business in a strategic manner. You’ll want to choose a domain name that hasn’t been used. For the best results, choose an extension that generates proven web visibility, such as .com, .net, or .org. The name should be easy to type, minus any punctuation. A good idea to consider when choosing a domain name is choosing a keyword that fits your business. For example, chocolatecake.com would be a domain name that satisfies two key elements. One, the name is indicative of a bakery, and two, the name holds a popular keyword (“chocolate”) for search engine optimization (SEO).

3. Protect Your Website with the Proper Security Measures

If you think your website is safe from being hacked, you might want to think again. Thousands of websites are hacked every day, but you can avoid joining the statistics by implementing safety measures such as a web application firewall (WAF). This solution helps protect your website by filtering and monitoring traffic across the internet. WAFs are designed to offer protection against many types of attacks.

Installing a website firewall can also offer protection when being hacked. A loss of private business information, a drop in search rankings, and a loss of sensitive data are just a few reasons to consider web application firewall solutions for the best security options.

4. Design Your Website with Purpose

First and foremost, starting with your domain name choice, know what you want your business website to convey, and secondly, know how you want it to perform. E-commerce sites will be structurally different than a traditional website that primarily showcases a company’s brand and message. You should chose the right web design company which specialize in sites for specific businesses. like Nodex. However, both website types should utilize a call to action (CTA) for customer engagement, such as signing up for newsletters or shopping for products. Make sure your content is clear and representative of your company’s message. Incorporate security solutions through a website firewall. And choose a website host that offers you the best resources for optimum success.

Plan Ahead and Update as Needed

Stay abreast of technological advances by updating your website regularly. Your website will perform best if you consider making these tips a top priority as you build your business website. Remember, your website is your virtual front door where online customers will first meet you, so make it a place they can’t wait to come back knocking.

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