3 Tips to Improve the Outcome of Your Marketing Strategies

Photo by Myriam Jessier
3 years ago

Every marketing strategy has an end goal. Whether it is to increase customers’ followership, increase sales, improve the brand’s visibility or create awareness about the brand, there is always something it seeks to achieve.

But what happens when campaign after campaign, none of these goals are met? There are so many downsides for the company, including monetary losses and loss of confidence in the brand. Every failed campaign also pushes your competition one step ahead of you, and you may lose clients and customers to them.

Are you tired of failed marketing campaigns? Then it’s time to restrategize and come up with better strategies that can help you improve your marketing outcomes in every dimension. Read on to get rightly equipped.

What is the outcome of marketing?

To understand why your marketing strategies have been failing or not as successful as you wish them to be, you must first understand the intended outcome of your marketing strategies.

Outcomes are different from results in marketing. For instance, a result could be a smaller review of what came out of your marketing campaign. This could be marketing metrics, such as the number of page views, traffic on the website, email recipients, bounce rate, clicks, etc.

Marketing outcomes, on the other hand, is looking at the big picture. What the marketing campaign aims to do would affect the business as a whole. So while you may review results, the outcome of your marketing strategy must specifically define how the results will affect your business.

For example, while marketing results show that 25 new customers purchased a product from your store through your campaigns, the outcome of our marketing campaign should capture how those 25 customers will use your product, enjoy it, and refer your brand to bring in more clients.

Another example is taking the focus away from the volume of leads the marketing team reels in and focusing on the bigger picture by making sure those leads turn to actual customers. That is working with outcomes.

The 3 best tips to ensure marketing effectiveness

There are many ways to ensure that the outcome of your marketing strategy is always effective and improved. We have highlighted three best tips below that will trigger a dynamic change in your business.

Conduct surveys to gather user feedback


The key recipients of every marketing campaign remain your target audience. They are the ones that will engage with your business and interact with your products.

To understand how they perceive your offerings and services, you must know what works for them and how you can tailor your business to fill that need. Therefore, gathering relevant data and information about your products should not be from making guesses.

They are not accurate enough and they do not give you concrete data to work with. If you want to ensure that your marketing campaigns are well-suited for your audience and will produce the right outcomes, you must get accurate data through user feedback.

One way to collect this data is with surveys that you create to determine areas where your products and services are lacking and what can be improved on. A survey gives you high-quality and trustable data right from the most appropriate source.

It can reach millions of audiences to help you collect feedback and make well-informed marketing campaign decisions from there. Surveys don’t have to be complex to create. Using survey templates like the JTBD template helps you create shareable surveys faster and easier.

Reach the right audience appropriately


Many times, poor communication can affect the outcomes of marketing strategy. For example, have you been running various campaigns, but it seems your audience is not getting the message you are passing?

The method or medium of communication may be causing a breach in the transfer of information. Communicating information successfully is essential for every business because it carries the essential content or value you’re looking to pass to your audience.

If your customers are located around the globe, using an international SMS service is the most reliable way of connecting with them. Since text messages elicit high levels of engagement, no matter where your clients are located, they’re more likely to respond to calls to action on text messages compared to email or voice campaigns.

What needs will your business meet? How do you intend to do so? How is your brand different from others? These are the information your audience wants to know. Now, it goes beyond passing this message across but ensuring the message is delivered.

There are diverse ways to pass the same message to different categories of audiences. Knowing your audience will help you to reach them the right way. For instance, teenagers and young adults will relate better to visual presentations like videos.

Older people may also enjoy a video campaign but will love to follow along with the fast-moving pictures with clear and easy-to-read subtitles created with tools like HappyScribe’s subtitle generator.

Conduct proper research to help you choose the appropriate communication channel for your campaign to help you reach your intended audience.

Conduct various tests to see what works

Many times, digital marketers spend a lot of money on campaigns hoping to make the best results from them, then they flop.

The key to a successful marketing campaign is to spend a little at a time testing various strategies and noting what brings the desired results. Check email campaigns and see how they perform—Test web page rankings in organic searches.

You can also test to see the best communication channel or the most preferred times where your audience interacts with your content in a week or during the day. You can even test campaigns on various audiences to see which market responds better.

Testing for an effective campaign strategy is similar to A/B testing. This allows you to conduct user tests on a selected group of people to determine various elements of a campaign, such as the position of the headline in an email campaign or elements of a design.

It is also effective because you can tell which campaign the audience prefers and run with it for a successful campaign.

One general rule as you conduct tests is to remember not to dwell too long on the results of a test. They change after a while, so continuous testing is required to achieve consistent best results.

How to measure your marketing strategies’ success


Knowing that there’s more to marketing campaigns than results, how do you measure a marketing campaign’s success? We’re going to look at metrics of success under the radar of both results and outcomes.

Here is how to tell if your business is on the right track through these Key Performance Indicators (KPIs.)

Definite website traffic growth

A key indicator that tells you your marketing strategies are starting to yield results is an increase in your website traffic over some time. As a result, your website will begin to rank highly in organic search rankings, and your impressions and clicks will also begin to grow.

Visitors transition to high-quality leads

Through an increase in your web traffic, anonymous visitors will begin to abound. You can tell that your strategies are effective when these visitors start to convert to leads. In addition, when they subscribe to your content or sign up to receive more details about your products, it is a positive indicator of marketing strategy results.

Leads become sales

The customer journey from visitors to leads is not complete if they don’t become buyers. Gathering a ton of traffic and leads is only useful when they convert to sales. This is an indicator that whatever marketing strategy you’re using is effective.

Marketing results may lead website users to become customers, but what is the bigger picture for these results? What is the outcome that the strategies seek to achieve, and how can you measure the success rate?

You start to generate new customers

Look out for growth in customers that will produce a significant lifetime value for the organization. Customers that their presence will last long for a long time and are interested in what your business has to offer.

An example of an outcome of your marketing strategy can look like this: 30% customer growth and 15% customer retention rate.

There is massive revenue growth

Compared to the amount spent on your marketing strategy, how much more is being generated in return? An increase in overall business revenue is a suggestion of success in the outcome of your marketing.

You may detect growth in your revenue with statistics like this: $5 million boost in sales, 25% growth in year-over-year revenue.

You observe growth in profit

As sales grow and revenue increases, one other outcome of your strategies should be an increase in profit. Low-margin customers will negatively affect the growth of your profit metrics in the long run.


This article explained the difference between the results of a marketing strategy and the outcomes of marketing strategies. It also provides a breakdown of how to perform significantly better after every marketing campaign and employ the best marketing techniques for growth.

Finally, it reviews tips to help you measure your success from your marketing strategies to know when your business is toeing the preferred line. Employing all these will help you improve your marketing outcomes in no time.

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