The Do’s and Don’ts of Using a Logo Slogan

The Do’s and Don’ts of Using a Logo Slogan
2 years ago

Thinking about incorporating a slogan in your logo? It can be a really good idea to combine your logo and your slogan. But there are some key elements to remember. Read more about the do’s and don’ts of using a logo slogan.

A strong slogan can be one of the most powerful assets in any marketing strategy. If you manage to create a slogan that is memorable, catchy, and communicates something about your brand, you can make people remember you by your slogan. You can use it as an asset in so many ways.

One of the ways to utilize a good slogan is to incorporate it into your logo. A logo is just as important as a slogan and is also something that people remember you by. It’s not an easy task to come up with a strong slogan or design a great logo – combining them can be difficult but also fruitful if you succeed. If you’re getting started on this task, you can go online to find the best logo maker. Read these do’s and don’ts of making a logo slogan to help you get started.

Do: Your slogan should be either descriptive or emotive

The first and foremost job of any slogan is to tell something about your business that sticks with people. That’s why you should either make it descriptive or emotive. If there is anything distinctive about your slogan, you can communicate it in a descriptive way. But more businesses are choosing to go the more emotive way and communicate values or your brand personality.

Do: Consider other places for your slogan than your logo

As mentioned, it can be a hard task to combine a slogan and a logo. If you find that it doesn’t make sense, you can consider other places to use your slogan. There are many other places where you can use a slogan besides your logo such as business cards and other marketing material. Think carefully about whether that might just be a better idea.

Do: Think carefully about fonts

When you incorporate your slogan into your logo, you have to be aware of the visual appeal. Think carefully about pairing different fonts and read about the best fonts to use for logos. It has a lot to say about the overall impression of your logo. Usually, the best route is to go simple and not overcomplicate things.

Don’t’: Having a logo just to have one

Remember not to have a logo just to have one. It has to make sense to your brand. If it doesn’t it can have the opposite effect. So think about what you want to communicate and how you can effectively communicate this – and if this is clear, you can get a slogan.

Don’t: Make your slogan too long

The last piece of advice is to keep your slogan short and sweet. You want it to be catchy. The least catchy thing is when something is too long. Think about the famous slogans that you know. They’re all short and easy to remember.

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