A Complete Guide to Marketing Strategy For Virtual Events

4 years ago

Virtual and online events are becoming more commonplace in the modern era. They allow businesses to reach a global audience with hundreds of people in different places at different times. Planning, promoting, and hosting a virtual event requires the same attention to detail as a real-life event requires.

A large team may help with executing a successful event, but without proper planning, marketing, and following a strategy, a virtual event can be less of a success than they hope.

Some companies have made a living doing virtual events, while others have floundered, leaving many businesses frustrated.

It does not matter what type of event is happening, and what type of business owns it, the best success rate comes from choosing a strategy that follows the following four points.

Assemble the right team.

There are people who do not want to do presentations for a living, and are not suited for it, but a good virtual organizer should feel at ease and have a strong ability to organize many pieces of information.

This should be a person who is well-liked by the employees and the host company, and is also technically proficient.

You must also ensure the meeting goals, and insurance requirements are all met.

Possess the right skills.

The most important skill any virtual organizer must know is how to draw a map of an event. With this map, they can plan promotional campaigns on other sites in a months-long time frame.

They can also find, apply for, and choose the best names that could attract the best possible audience.

Be on constant alert.

Unless you are lucky, you will never be able to plan your events in perfect detail, but you should always be on the lookout for new ways in which you can improve your business.

If it is a real event, you should check weather reports, and hours-of-operation prior to your event. Most likely, your event will be replicated on several other websites, so a small detail can make a great impact.

You should also be putting out promotional messages on social media, and every possible outlet, by sending emails and blogs to try to influence people to attend.

Prioritize what you are planning.

Once you have your goals established for the event, you can choose which tactics you want to use for social media, and which resources to use for promotional materials.

The most effective tactic may not always be the most effective for your goals.

With that said, you should always choose your best potential tactics based on the advice of your partners.

Follow your head advice, and heart advice. Your heart should tell you what to do, and your head should have the answers.

You should never ignore common sense, which can cost you money.

Simply put: lay out your goals, and hit them with everything you have.

Virtual and Real Events

There can be no doubt that there is a distinct difference between a real, and virtual event, but there are many similarities between the two. Generally, the goal is the same; they both need to be promoted, hosted, and executed within a time frame. However, there are some subtlety that make a huge difference between them.

Real Events

There are many things that make real events different from virtual events. These things include liabilities, location, equipment, and the weather, the desired outcome, and budgets.


Event planners who organize a real event have to be mindful of the potential for lawsuits, and injuries. They may use people to participate in the event who are insecure about thier exposure to legal problems.

They may also plan activities that include dangerous encounters. If they are sued in full or in part, they may not be able to do the event at all.


Virtual events can be done anywhere in the world, while real events are restricted with respect to what locations are available.

By planning these events carefully, and using insurance, they can avoid real, and extreme costs.


Although virtual events can be done virtually, virtual organizers may not have the means of showing a live group on a screen, or other means of doing so.

Because of this, they may sometimes not be able to provide live equipment. Therefore, they are more likely to rely on props, rather than show people.


Although any weather can be represented by a virtual event, real weather conditions may make it less than ideal for holding the event. Poor weather is bad for selling, and for the attendees.

Sometimes, a group that wants to hold a virtual event in a bad weather can do it, but it is more likely to be held at a later time.

Desired Outcome

Virtual events are usually confined to a specific site, with a specific time, and a specific duration.

Real events tend to offer shopping, eating, and seeing as much as possible. Some people may travel hundreds of miles, to see a band, or other event. There is usually no travel, or no time limits.

Real events may go anywhere a virtual event can, and may attract people who would not go to a virtual event at all.


Budgets for both virtual and real events are usually limited for the items involved. Although real events cost more money, and require more time, they usually have a smaller bill.

Travel expenses are usually much more limited as well, as most of the planning can be done online.

These three points are important to remember, because they can make the difference between a successful real event, and a legacy event that will not happen again.

Virtual Events

There are a number of similarities between real events, and virtual events, but there are also important differences.

It is important to remember, because it is often the difference between a successful event, and an event that will not return.

Virtual events tend to be virtual, general, and mass. They are more consistent, and can be done anywhere in the world with the best equipment available. However, they are usually limited to the equipment, and suitable facilities.

Since they are usually run by groups online, they will not have many people, or a variety of people, with which to interact.

They are also expected to be held for a specific length, and on a specific time. However, they may be held for much longer, and can also be scheduled at any time of the year.

Virtual organizers have many duties, and some of them are:

Coordinating and planning the computer event.

The computer-based virtual event software is the tool used to meet the goals of the virtual event.

The purpose is to allow the virtual organizer to produce and present a collection of information in a way that is easy for attendees to understand. Ideally, the software is easy to use, mobile, and allows users to add and edit their own video and audio files for the event.

The delivery of virtual information through a variety of digital media.

There is no limit to the number of venues, like the web, through which the information can be presented.

The production of virtual events.

The virtual planner also plans the virtual event. Not all virtual events are run by virtual planners, but for those that are, they usually have more time.

The promotion of virtual events.

The virtual organizer is in charge of promoting the virtual events. Most virtual events do not require as much driving, or as much physical promotion, as virtual events do, so marketing is usually more important for a virtual event.

The rehearsal of the virtual event.

The virtual event organizer is in charge of rehearsing the virtual event. Rehearsals allow the virtual event planner to make sure the event is going to be successful, and is entertaining for all attendees.

The execution of the virtual event.

The planning is in place, so the virtual organizer is ready to organize the execution of the virtual event. The execution of the virtual event can mean anything from driving to the venue to selling brochures and programs.

The management of the virtual event.

The virtual event planner is in charge of managing the virtual event. The virtual event organizer is usually not in charge of managing the virtual event.

The virtual event organizer is generally there to make sure the event is successful, and to make sure that all of the virtual planners are on time and in place to start the event.

The involvement of the virtual organiser is in charge of managing the activity at the event.

Importance of Marketing Strategy in Virtual Event Businesses?


Marketing strategy uses many of the same techniques used in the real world to attract, and retain customers.

A large amount of information is available as well, allowing virtual event organizers to devise marketing strategies that work well for their virtual business.

However, each virtual event can have its own marketing strategy tailored to its needs.

Some virtual events will want to promote their event based on a specific game, or program.

Some will plan activities that promote their virtual events, and some will plan more general activities that might draw people to their event. Others will plan to provide visitors with complete information, and direct people to a website, promoting the virtual event.


Virtual events are usually promoted through personal contacts. Each contact is important to the success of the virtual event.

Each contact tells the virtual organizer of the people who want to attend, and how many people that group can bring. Therefore, it is a good idea to get to know as many people as possible.


Virtual events are usually held at a venue, but some are held at the virtual organizer’s home, or business, while others are held at special locations.

Virtual events are usually held in a large group, or in small groups. A virtual event can be held, for example, for a single person, a small group, or the entire school.

Virtual Events vs. Cost of Ownership Growth in Virtual Event Business

The Cost of Ownership

The cost of ownership of a virtual event is based on the lifespan of the event, and the number of people who can take part in the event.

We will go over virtual event business cost of ownership, and the factors that affect it, in the rest of this section of the article real events.

Virtual Events: The cost of ownership of a virtual event in business

The cost of ownership of a virtual event is based on the lifespan of the event, and the number of people who can take part in the event.

This means that the virtual event can last a few hours, or it can last for many years. To be more specific, the virtual event can last from a few months, to up to several years.


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