Why is energy your most important business asset?

4 years ago

John Nolan-Neylan, CEO and Co-Founder of high-performance nutrition brand, Revvies, discusses how to keep teams energised and increase productivity.

The impacts Coronavirus has had on UK businesses and workplaces have been detrimental for both leaders and the workforce. The first national lockdown in spring saw millions of people confined to work from their homes- initially, this caused an increase in productivity with individuals continuing with jobs with a newfound vigour and passion. In fact, in September a study conducted by Talk Talk reported that more than half of workers – 58% – were more productive while working remotely. 

However, as time went on it became clearer and clearer that the pandemic was not a temporary presence. The introduction of the tier system, regional lockdowns, the winter lockdown and now, the revised tier system showcases exactly how the virus is likely to completely redesign the way businesses and workers function. Now, with the winter months fully upon us and Seasonal Affective Disorder coming into effect, it is likely that workers will begin to feel more fatigued and mentally drained by their circumstances. Nationally representative research conducted by Revvies, has found that 37% of Brits claim their energy levels are the lowest they have ever been, with another 37% claiming that working from home has made them the most lethargic and tired they have ever been. 

Now more than ever, especially with the Pfizer vaccine set to be rolled out next week, it is important that we revitalise our workers, keeping them engaged and energised. Here, John Nolan-Neylan of Revvies provides his top tips:

1. Set and enforce work boundaries

Make sure to clearly communicate with your employees or employers. Laying out your values and limits are essential in making sure that a solid structure is in place; any concerns and issues can be raised efficiently without it affecting your personal time. With the boundaries of work and the home being separated by only a room due to Coronavirus restrictions, it is essential that you can take a step back and separate yourself from work in order to ensure that you don’t burn yourself out.

2. Be transparent and set goals

Transparency between worker and employee is essential.  Making sure to have clear and achievable goals will showcase your progression and will boost your energy levels. Manage your time and ask questions where need be- make sure you aren’t struggling in silence- often these feelings of uncertainty can put a hold on things which may result in higher stress levels.

3. Listen and empathise

These times are tough for everyone. If you notice an employee or colleague struggling with something, make sure you take the time to listen to their worries and empathise with them as much as possible. Lending an ear and helping them to share their feelings provides them with a sense of security and can even perk up their energy levels. 

John Nolan-Neylan, CEO and Co-Founder of Revvies:

“Our research highlights the dramatic negative impact this past year has had on our energy levels. COVID induced lockdowns have caused millions across the country to remain confined to their homes, limiting opportunities to be active. Now, as we embark into the festive season with an approved vaccine, it is more important than ever for us to find ways to help our employers and employees perk up, stay positive and use what opportunities we have to exercise and be active, during these tough times.

Our energy levels affect every aspect of our day-to-day lives, be it our mood and mental wellbeing, how much we get done at work, or how able we are to exercise. It perhaps comes as a surprise that our energy levels have dropped as our activity has slowed down this year and it seems that people are now looking for alternatives to the traditional “go-to” cup of coffee or sugar-filled energy drinks. Revvies Energy Strips are a fantastic way to gain the energy you need to get going, and perform at your best – used by elite athletes and sportspeople across the globe. We are really proud to be able to offer the same, high-performance supplements to the average person looking to boost their energy levels and fight fatigue, especially in the lead up to Christmas. It is the fastest and most convenient way to experience a great boost of energy, without the hassle and side effects of sugary energy drinks and gels.”

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