The changing hairline of Brits: $8 billion industry, but how has it helped?

4 years ago

Nearly 15 million Brits say their hair contributes to their mental health.

Leading cosmetic surgeon and CMO of Uvence, Dr. Olivier Amar, discusses the regenerative methods available in the market.

When it comes to areas we wish to improve in our appearances, the latest trends seem to constantly be in flux. Yet concerns over our hair remain of the biggest and most persistent worries amongst Brits, with less than half of us go through life keeping a full head of hair. Additionally, while men are commonly thought to be the biggest worriers when it comes to hair, this seems to be a common misconception, as women appear just as guilty for it. Illustrating this is national research from Uvence – a treatment which contributes to healthy hair growth – showing how 36% of Brits say that of all their physical attributes, their hair is the one that impacts their self-esteem the most.

There are a myriad of marketing solutions out there for hair regrowth, and the majority are incredibly costly. As we see increasing numbers opting to go abroad to countries such as Turkey who offer infamously cheaper hair transplant procedures. But while this can still be damaging to the bank account – with some procedures costing up to £2000 – the success rate is not even guaranteed, and can also involve more serious health risks.

As the spectrum of solutions has evolved and technology fortifies the options available to us, regenerative methods which use the body’s own cells are beginning to come into prominence. Uvence is a natural treatment which supercharges the skin cells of the scalp and improves the health and function of the hair follicles. Though it can be used as a stand alone procedure, it can also be paired with other treatments too, as it creates an environment enabling much greater effect to take place. 

With Uvence’s research also showing how nearly 15 million Brits say that signs of stress on their hair negatively impacts their mental health, it seems issues with our hair are not going to go away overnight – although many of us fear that our hair will. So what can we do to combat the stresses which our hair lines are causing us?

Dr Olivier Amar, leading U.K surgeon based in Sloane Square, offers his advice for those who are scratching their heads for the solution to their problems:

“Concerns over receding hairlines have long been a common cause of worry amongst patients, many of whom are dissatisfied with their results from at home treatments. Although it is understandable as to why some then consider more robust treatments, it is so important to be careful with who and where you consider when it comes to procedures. Particularly with hair transplants, many of these surgeries do not end in success, which can leave unwanted scarring and damage to the hair follicles. 

For those looking for a solution to hair thinning, I would suggest trying at home treatments to begin with. However, in the event that these steps do not work, there are many regenerative methods available here in the U.K. Rather than opting to going abroad for a hair transplant – these treatments of which can involve serious health risks and failure rates – treatments such as Uvence focus instead on stimulating the regrowth of hair while still offering a longer lasting solution.​”

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