2 years ago
This article showcases our top picks for the Books On Startup Ideas. We reached out to industry leaders and experts who have contributed the suggestions within this article (they have been credited for their contributions below). We are keen to hear your feedback on all of our content and our comment section is a moderated space to express your thoughts and feelings related (or not) to this article This list is in no particular order.

Rework by Jason Fried

This product was recommended by Iryna from Simple App

This book doesn’t just give information on how to build or improve a business, it literally tells you how to think about business in order to attract Fortune, the money fairy, or some other magical being. This book will turn your world upside down, inspire you, take you out of your comfort zone, and give you tons of useful information. Tested. Ideas are always in abundance, and they are cheap. The real question is how well you implement it.

Disrupt you by Jay Jay Samith

This product was recommended by Katy Smith from Airgram

This is not your run of the mill idea generating book. It’s detailed. It’s all encompasing. Reading the book foreced to look at the industry I was working through a diffeerent set of lenses, which ended up with me starting a Saas business. Jay Samit appraoches business from a disruption perspecive. He pushes the reader to think of starting a business as a chance to disrupt the normal flow of thngs. Not only does the book avoid rehashing what other books keeps saying, it also forces one to begin thinking differently.

The Lean Startup by Eric Ries

This product was recommended by Isla Zyair from Obesity Controller

The Lean Startup By Eric Ries is the best book on startup ideas because it provides a framework for how to test and validate business ideas quickly and cheaply. This book is helpful because most businesses don’t start with much excess money. The book teaches you how to run your new business efficiently and effectively.. These are just some reasons why Lean Startup is the top bestseller on Amazon. The key takeaways from The Lean Startup include utilizing human ingenuity while on a budget and using cash skillfully. The book also offers a step-by-step guide on building and scaling a startup business, including raising capital and assembling a team. In addition, the book provides valuable insights on how to manage growth and avoid common mistakes that can kill a startup. It provides a blueprint for success that you can apply to any startup idea.

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

This product was recommended by Kartik Ahuja from GrowthScribe

It is an old book that will help you enhance your business strategy and thinking. Although it is more of a motivating book, it is still worth reading. One of the characteristics of this book that makes it so wonderful is that you will discover life lessons that are still applicable today, despite the fact that it was written in the 1930s. It unveils the psychological power of thinking for monetary and personal fulfillment. This is a self-help classic that was first published in 1937 and I feel is a must-read for investors and entrepreneurs.

Zero to One by Peter Thiel

This product was recommended by Patrick Wilson from SkillCourses

Zero to One by Peter Thiel provides a refreshing take on starting a business. It offers new perspectives on how to run businesses and measure monopoly. Thiel gives his own practical experience of the entrepreneurial world. This book helps you learn how to ask good questions to find value in surprising places. He talked about how future business owners won’t focus on competition because they won’t have any. That’s because they’ll be busy developing something new and unique. This is a point that stuck with me. Entrepreneurs like Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg praised this book, proving it is a must-read.

The Creative’s Guide to Starting a Business by Harriet Kelsall

This product was recommended by Kartik Ahuja from GrowthScribe

This is a modern book that is great for those who are creative or looking for a novel method to start a business. The amazing thing about this book is that it takes you through the process of starting your own business step by step.

The $100 Startup by Chris Guillebeau

This product was recommended by Michael Haas from AngryBBQ

The $100 Startup is an inspiring read. Through a light and friendly tone, author Chris Guillebeau talks about how to enjoy life: finding meaning and purpose while earning a good living. He believes in profitable passion projects to succeed in entrepreneurship. According to him, entrepreneurial success comes from having a product or service based on what an individual loves to do, people who are willing to pay, and a platform or tool for getting paid. Guillebeau’s pieces of advice are born from his wealth of experiences as a constant traveler and entrepreneur/digital nomad. He has visited more than 175 nations all the while carrying out his work as a book author, entrepreneur, blogger, and speaker. He has a knack for turning ideas into income and uses what he earns to support his life of adventure and give back to others.

Who by Geoff Smart

This product was recommended by Elisa Bender from RevenueGeeks

Geoff Smart has done a commendable job to explain the best business practices for both beginners and experts. “Who” covers simple steps that can be taken into context when hiring the perfect employee. The best thing here is that this applies to people with zero experience or tycoons who have spent half of their life in the field. It can be a light for new entrepreneurs who are learning how to work with the right people.

The Art of Startup Fundraising by Alejandro Cremades

This product was recommended by Daniel Cook from Mullen and Mullen

This book primarily focuses on how can a startup catch an investor’s interest in this current generation through relevant tips and strategies. It covers almost the whole process of fund-raising from creating a pitch up to closing the deal. In fact, this can be an overall guide for entrepreneurs in their way to seeking capital. Moreover, this book is beginner-friendly and tips are easy to follow making it much more effective.

47 Profitable Small Business Ideas You Can Start With $1000 Or Less by Jesse Anderson

This product was recommended by Dawood Khan from Pixelied

Just like any other book, this one serves its purpose. However, one of its great edges is how it is written to be more understandable for the readers. Explanations about the primary ideas are presented first before elaborating on things. Moreover, the tips and ideas given here are very realistic and timely. It almost serves as a compilation of opportunities anyone can start taking any time. Overall, this book is a good pair for aspirants.

Crossing The Chasm by Geoffrey A. Moore

This product was recommended by K.S. Shah from World Consulting Group

This book is a goldmine of information if you’re a product-selling business. From guiding to selling disruptive products to explaining the different kinds of customers we’ll deal with, this book has everything in it to help you in your initial startup days. This book also highlights the age-old success trick of focusing on a specific nice and aggressively marketing to those customers. Instead of being a lost soul with unlimited products to offer, focus your mind on driving sales for only one niche. You’ll be surely impressed with the results.

The Book on Small Business Ideas by Justin Gesso

This product was recommended by Rachel Davis from SoulFactors

What’s good in this business is that it does not just give you tips and tricks to start your journey but it also considers your personal perspective. Factors including interests and passion are important to find the right track for you and this book will be of great use. It will assess your personal drivers and your motivation just to ensure that you are pursuing the most suitable business that will give you not just earnings but happiness.

The Ultimate Guide to Creating Your Soul-Aligned Business by Camille L. Miller

This product was recommended by Camille Miller from Soul Professional Movement

This is an excellent book for those who want to leave their jobs but don’t know what they should do. 25 very personal stories from experienced entrepreneurs as they took the leap to creating their own soul-aligned business plus the strategy they used to design it. This book provides the perfect roadmap to make sure you thrive when starting out regardless of your profession. The Ultimate Guide to Creating Your Soul-Aligned Business will not only be the validation you need for creating the business of your dreams, but it’s also a guidebook and resource for taking all the next best steps to awaken your financial potential while staying in alignment with your soul, purpose, and joy. Camille L. Miller, Pioneer of the Soul Professional Movement and Founder of the Natural Life Business Partnership, had a goal of bringing the best of the best together to give you the greatest tips and the most practical strategies for creating a business that aligns with your heart and soul. She believes there is no great secret to creating a massively profitable business, there is, however, a need to shift your mindset to get there.

Will It Fly? by Pat Flynn

This product was recommended by David Wurst from WebCitz, LLC

The perfect read for individuals who are thinking of creating a startup. It offers a practical approach to validating a business idea through a series of tests. This book can help them shape and improve the idea of their startup in order to have a greater chance of success.

Creativity, Inc. by Ed Catmull

This product was recommended by Vivi Mintara from Eye Makeup Lab

I absolutely loved reading this book when I was at the start of my entrepreneurial journey because it has a way of making you feel so inspired – like you can achieve absolutely anything in the world. This is the exact attitude that a startup entrepreneur needs! With this motivation, Catmull also highlights the importance of originality and imagination in startup ideas, using his own experience of developing Pixar as an example.

Made to Stick by Chip and Dan Heath

This product was recommended by David Wurst from WebCitz, LLC

This piece teaches the readers about the qualities that make an idea sticky. The Heath brothers explained why there are certain things that stick in people’s memory, while other ideas just fade away. I recommend this book also to anyone who needs help in communicating.

Personal Finance for Teens by Carol H Cox

This product was recommended by Marijke van Breda from Oliver Wicks

If you a high school student, soon to be a graduate and heading off to college or to work full time? Or wish that they had been given guidance on money matters before they’d finished school. This book answers that need. In Personal Finance for Teens Carol H. Cox offers practical advice on how to build a rock-solid financial foundation for life after high school. Now is the time for young adults to get a handle on their finances, before life gets more complicated. Carol covers how to choose, open, and manage a student checking account; network, write resumes, and impress interviewers; control spending and achieve savings goals; build a high-ranking credit score and manage credit cards wisely; assess the cost of car ownership and select an affordable car; evaluate college from a financial perspective; and take advantage of time and start building a retirement account now. This book is a great reference tool for any library and a great graduation present for recent or soon-to-be grads. Personal Finance for Teens is the book that every teen needs to read before leaving home.

Get Rich Click! by Marc Ostrofsky

This product was recommended by Rohan Kadam from Biking Know How

Marc is amazing! This book literally has everything one needs to know about e-Commerce and making money online. The book has many successful case studies regarding eBay’s success, dropshipping, amazon marketplace, and much more. It’s one of those ‘eternal’ books that you keep referring to, as it is packed with terrific resources, action checklists, and superlative strategies that every online marketer should employ. A must-read for anyone who wants to promote anything on the web.

The Creative’s Guide to Starting a Business by Harriet Kelsall

This product was recommended by Simon Bernath from Furnace Prices

While this book does use Kelsall’s experience running a jewelry business to explore how an entrepreneur can find that perfect startup idea and run with it, the lessons are applicable to any industry. I love that it even has exercises to follow that can help you narrow down your business ideas and develop the chosen idea into a fully-fledged business plan!

Art of the Start 2.0 by Guy Kawasaki

This product was recommended by Adam Enfroy from AdamEnfroy

It’s a perfect introductory guide to anyone looking to use their passion and ideas to start a business and change their life for the better. Kawasaki’s book is an indispensable way to start your journey down the path to doing what you’ve always wanted to do and always thought you should be doing.

Street Pricing by Marcos Rivera

This product was recommended by Madison Scheuer from Smith Publicity

Paired with interviews with experienced SaaS veterans and visualized through the music that moved a generation, the lessons, strategies, and framework in Street Pricing will have you seeing recurring revenue, gain customers that rave about you, and net retention that’s unparalleled even in a crowded market.

Sprint by Jake Knapp

This product was recommended by Megan Moore from Photography-Lighting

Startup ideas can be difficult to assess in terms of potential success, especially if it is a fairly niche business idea. If you don’t know how your target audience will react to it, then you might be in for a shock! Sprint is excellent for narrowing down all of the startup factors that can make a business a success (or a failure) and it encourages you to work out where your startup idea will fall. This will save you lots of time in your entrepreneurial journey!

Jeopardy By Wilfred Emanuel Jones

This product was recommended by Tommy Mello from A1Garage

As the title suggests this book talks about the risks and how to overcome the fear of taking them. The book made me chase my dreams and follow my heart for what I truly wanted. This particular novel is an eye opener and made me realize that playing it safe and not taking any risk will not lead me anywhere in my business. Wilfred did an amazing job at describing the dangers in the business field but also stated exceptionally well how one should not cower away and take the leap when they are presented with the chance.

The 4-Hour Workweek by Timothy Ferriss

This product was recommended by Scott Krager from WODReview

This book is a compilation of techniques and hacks that you are searching for for your startup. While I was reading this, I almost felt like I got the one I was searching for! The author focuses on giving the entrepreneurs the reality check that you don’t need to work 80 hours per week to be successful, but a continuous hustle on the right path can ensure you the achievement you want. This book is a huge boost for both aspiring and drowning entrepreneurs.

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