11 months ago

“Now my website generates more leads than ever before! In addition, we finally managed to reduce the bounce rate.” If you dream about hearing such words too, then this article may be just what you’re looking for. Here we will share what website features may significantly improve your website performance and help to bring your website to new heights.

5 mistakes you need to avoid

Let’s now focus on what can negatively affect your website performance and adversely impact user experience.

No matter if you already have a website or want to develop a brand-new one from scratch, there are some factors that may kill your website (or at least increase the bounce rate and reduce customer satisfaction). Among such factors are the following ones:

  • Poor design

We live in the era of technologies and AI, and having an outdated website design can turn into a big problem. If your competitors have a visually appealing website with modern design with some eye-catching elements, and your website doesn’t, you may lose potential clients.

So make sure your website is modern, works smoothly, and has a clear navigation structure.

  • Speed or loading (when the website is slow to load)

Though, at first glance, this problem may seem to be not so crucial, people don’t like waiting for ages till your website loads, and they can see the content on this website.

How to fix this problem? You can get a consultation with some software development company that will analyze your website performance, find bugs, and fix all the identified issues.

  • Lack of optimization for mobile devices

More and more people use mobile devices for watching videos, surfing the internet, chatting, reading news and articles, etc. And if they struggle with opening your website or reading it on their mobile phones, you can lose a vast amount of traffic and potential customers.

So avoid this mistake and optimize your website for mobile devices.

These are some of the most critical mistakes that can seriously harm your website. Though, there are a few more features that can truly enhance your website’s performance and contribute to your business results.

Features your website should have

Before you start guessing which features you need to start adding ASAP, thoroughly read this article till the end and analyze which of them you certainly need to add in the nearest future and which ones may have a bit lower priority.

So let’s start!

  • Case studies

Demonstrate your expertise and credibility by showcasing examples of your products, services, or solutions.

Here you can even analyze your own buying behaviour: would you rather buy services from a company that shows what they have already done, which results they gained, and how exactly they helped companies XYZ, or would you prefer a company that has a stunning website but at the same time has no reviews and no case studies?

By providing tangible evidence of your ability to deliver results, people trust you more and are more likely to buy/order something from you. So take advantage of this step! Add case studies, testimonials, and other proof of your expertise.

  • Search Bar

Website is not only about showcasing your projects and services, and making people acquainted with who you are, but it’s also about answering the questions that may arise while people look through your website.

So give people the opportunity to find what they are looking for. Add a search bar and ensure people will not be lost when they visit your website.

  • Blog

If you struggle with driving more organic traffic to your website or decreasing the bounce rate, think about adding a blog to your website.

A blog is a great way to post useful and interesting information, interact with your audience, attract new visitors, educate them, share your experience and expertise, and even raise brand awareness and trust. Have these benefits already proved that adding a blog may be an excellent feature?

  • Live Chat

There is no better thing than happy and satisfied customers! So make your customers happy with your service, care about them, nurture them, and help them when needed. Add a live chat where people can write their questions or describe their problems regarding your services, where they can quickly receive responses and be satisfied with how you care about them.

  • Intuitive Navigation

In addition to responsive and visually appealing design, intuitive navigation is an essential ingredient for ensuring a positive user experience. People should be able to find what they’re looking for quickly and easily.

Logical navigation, well-organized menus, and clear call-to-action buttons can help people be easily guided through the site.

  • Authentication and Authorization

If you want users to be able to create personal profiles on your website, use secure authentication methods for user login and ensure proper authorization checks to control access to sensitive parts of the website.

  • Security Measures

Implementing HTTPS, SSL certificates, and security protocols to protect user data, build trust, and guard against cyber threats.

Don’t underestimate the importance of implementing such security measures. Otherwise, it can lead to severe troubles.

  • Responsive design

It’s not really a feature but rather a strong recommendation every website needs to follow. Responsive design ensures that your website looks and functions well on various devices, including desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones.

This provides a consistent and positive user experience regardless of the device users use to access your site, which consequently leads to longer visit durations, lower bounce rates, and higher chances of conversion.


In case you strive to make your website a visually appealing and successful tool that attracts new clients, think about improving it by adding such features as a search bar, live chat, case studies, and a blog.

And don’t forget to redesign your website if it is already outdated and doesn’t follow the latest design trends. As we perceive information with our eyes, especially in terms of visiting the website for the first time, so make sure people see your website in a proper way when they open it on different devices, and they don’t have to wait for ages while all the elements load.

So, analyze what features are among your priorities now, according to your business goals and objectives, and make your website bring you more clients and money.

Author: Olha Onofriichuk

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