3 years ago

If you have vacancies that you need to fill and you want to attract recent graduates to these jobs, you might not be sure how to go about doing so. It can be hard to network with students since they have not been in the working world yet and you might not know what your best options are for outreach to younger people. Many graduates are also not totally sure how to get connected with the best jobs, so the solution that you come up with can help both of you fill this important need.

If you are ready to learn more about hiring graduates in London, you need to read on!

How to Hire Graduates in London

1.       Attend Recruiting Events

Recruiting events at Universities are easy to get involved with since the university does all the work to host and invite attendees. All you will need to do is get your name in the pool of companies who will be invited to have a booth at the event and you will be able to go! Students who are close to graduating commonly attend these fairs to find out more about what jobs are out there for them when they graduate. This is a great way to meet promising graduates and invite them to apply for the jobs that you have open.

2.       Offer internships

Internships can offer university students the chance to work with you while they are finishing up their degree. This can help them to get their foot in the door and it can help your business to get to know them as well. You might be able to hire some of these graduates before they are even totally done with their coursework if the timing works out for both of you!

3.       Use the Right Job Boards

Many universities have online job boards that you can post your open jobs on and there are lots of options out there for job sites that are targeted at young people or people who have just finished their time at university. These job postings will be the ones that many university graduates shop through first, so your jobs will get a lot of exposure through this medium. This can be the best way to get applications from this demographic without wasting a lot of time trying to appeal to graduates through other methods.

4.       Make Sure Salaries Are Fair

Graduates are more and more aware of the cost of living and what it can mean for their future. They will not be willing to take truly entry-level jobs if they have worked hard for an advanced degree. Make sure that your salaries are competitive enough to attract students who will be a good fit for your business and who will want to stay with your company for many years.

Hiring Graduate in London Can be Easy

If you use these tips and tricks, you will have no trouble hiring the right university graduates for your needs! These promising students could be the perfect fit for any of your open job positions and you can mutually benefit one another by getting connected through an efficient hiring process.

Learn more on https://brighterbox.com/

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