Experts Tell Us the Best Books on Investment Strategy

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2 years ago
This article showcases our top picks for the Books on Investment Strategy. We reached out to industry leaders and experts who have contributed the suggestions within this article (they have been credited for their contributions below). We are keen to hear your feedback on all of our content and our comment section is a moderated space to express your thoughts and feelings related (or not) to this article This list is in no particular order.

A Random Walk down Wall Street by Burton G. Malkiel

This product was recommended by Shane Paarman from Awesome Stuff 365

Out of all the books I’ve read, to do with investing, I find this one to be the most useful. It’s straightforward and covers practically everything you need to know about investing, with plenty of useful and actionable tips. It’s also quite an easy read, as it is very well written, so I highly recommend it.

Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert T. Kiyosaki

This product was recommended by Christopher Andrew from 420 Expert Advisers

Many financial books are available, but you must have the mindset to invest and the drive to be wealthy. Rich dad and poor dad have several teachings that can assist people in comprehending the mindset of the wealthy and what they do to achieve wealth. Even though this book was released two decades ago, it is still relevant. It explains why investing is essential and how and where to invest. It’s the story of his wealthy father and how both men influenced his views on money and investing. The book debunks the notion that you have to make a lot of money to be wealthy and discusses the difference between working for money and letting your money work for you.

The Warren Buffett Way by Robert G. Hagstrom

This product was recommended by Christopher Andrew from 420 Expert Advisers

The third version of this book is always relevant to people more interested in the stock market. Warren Buffett is, as we all know, the most well-known investor and one of today’s most recognized business executives. Warren Buffett’s tactics and tips are included in this book. This book explains how to think like a long-term investor and establish a stock market vision. Many people have a short-term market goal and become intraday traders, and Warren Buffet discusses why long-term investing is good and how to be risk-averse.

Investing 101 by Michele Cagan CPA

This product was recommended by Mimi Paul from Starkflow

The author of this book perfectly complies facts and information. This book describes all the necessary language & terminology, number and formulae, and various strategies used by different investors. It’s concise, to the point and easy to understand. The information provided gives you enough knowledge to start investing on my own by building proper strategy. Totally recommended.

University of Berkshire Hathaway by Daniel Pecaut and Corey Wrenn

This product was recommended by Michael Diamond from MD Financial Skills

Berkshire Hathaway’s annual shareholders meetings are the stuff of legend. Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger famously take center stage and review their investment strategies from the year past and their expectations for the future. This book shares the most critical lessons learned from more than 30 years of these meetings. It’s absolutely brilliant and proves that no matter how the world changes, the fundamentals of great investing remain the same.

Cryptocurrency Investing for Dummies by Kiana Danial

This product was recommended by Sharon Dylan from Management Help LLC

The book of Kiana Danial’s Cryptocurrency Investing for Dummies is best for people who have no prior idea about cryptocurrency but want to try investing in it. It explains the ins and out of cryptocurrency and the risks and gains in investing in it, all in layman’s terms! Hence, this is a great book for everyone. It talks about all the digital currencies and guides you on how to make money through cryptocurrency. The book even suggests platforms in order to maximize your gains. Hence, this is one good book you should invest in.

The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham

This product was recommended by Rachael Finch from Fitzonomics Blog

While studying for my MBA, I read a lot of books about strategy. However, as a finance geek, this one stood out to me for its common sense logic and everyday application: Jason Zweig’s additional commentary shows the reader how to apply Graham’s ideas to modern financial markets. This provides a realistic investing strategy for the amateur investor – it’s one that anyone can use and do well with. The Intelligent Investor helped me to understand what investing actually is – how it differs from the ‘get-rich-quick’ mentality of day trading – how to set my expectations and how to achieve them. I’ve read it from cover to cover many times, and I still learn something each time I do. A brilliant book from a brilliant man.

Real Freedom by Gregory Mohr

This product was recommended by Greg Mohr from Franchise Maven

In Real Freedom, Mohr has gathered his own experience along with many others, in the interest of illustrating how franchising is the greatest plan for building wealth—when done correctly.

The Simple Path to Wealth by JL Collins

This product was recommended by Michel Cocke from 253 Houses

I recommend The Simple Path to Wealth, by JL Collins. It began as a series of letters to the author’s daughter but quickly expanded into a comprehensive guide to all things financial. Debt, the stock exchange or how it works, investment in both bull and bad markets, investment strategy, and more are among the many subjects covered. The book covers anything from a 401(k) to something like a Roth IRA, as well as the 4 percent rule and the all-important for your monetary fund. It’s available on Amazon.

A Beginner’s Guide to the Stock Market by Matthew R. Kratter

This product was recommended by Sara Graves from USTitleLoans

The stock market is the hub of global investments, and this is the best book to learn stock marketing investment strategies. The book teaches beginners how to enter stock markets, the best times to deposit investments and the secrets to making money with minimal financial risks. The author explains the costly mistakes beginners often make while starting investing in the stock market. Besides, the time-tested trading and investing strategies along with a simple roadmap can help you become a successful investor by reading this book. Similarly, you will learn different methods to buy your first stock, grow your money smartly, spot worthy stocks, and generate passive income. It also includes insider tricks for high-yield returns and describes the complete mechanism to create a secure financial future.

The Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel

This product was recommended by Colleen Colodany from KidsWiki

This book gives a fresh perspective on investment and does not follow the mainstream concept. It is a collection of nineteen short stories that portray what people think of money and how it affects their investment behavior. Unlike other books, its premise depends on the fact that the growth of money is closely related to how people behave with it. It also mentions that investment strategies include risk and luck, which has a unique viewpoint.

Investing Demystified by Lars Kroijer

This product was recommended by Abi Latham from Cat Care Checklist

Investing Demystified explains how the stock exchange works in detail. It helps readers understand that we are unlikely to have an edge over the market and therefore cannot beat the market. Instead of attempting this, the author teaches how to build a global investment portfolio that will hopefully be profitable over the long term. This book has helped me develop an effective investment strategy and helped me to become clearer about how the stock exchange works. The author discusses equities, indices, government bonds, and pensions in a clear and easy-to-understand way.

A Random Walk Down Wall Street by Burton Gordon Malkiel

This product was recommended by Timothy Woods from Carnivore Style

A random walk down wall street by Burton Malkiel remains the top investment book and for all the right reasons. It provides the readers with a simple and effective guide to investing and is best for beginners as well as for pro-investors.

Angel Investing by David S. Rose

This product was recommended by David Aylor from David Aylor Law Offices

This book approaches investment from the investors’ point of view. This book teaches how lead investors evaluate deals and how they find a health balance of risk and success. Although this book is written for investors, it has insight that’s also beneficial to those looking for investors, as it teaches how to better appeal to potential stakeholders. This book also approaches the legal concerns of investing, highlighting the importance of start-up attorneys and legal assistance in investment agreements.

Founders at Work by Jessica Livingston

This product was recommended by Ian Kelly from NuLeaf Naturals

Although this book presents itself as a collection of interviews and personal stories, it provides great insight into successful investor experiences. Famous founders, such as Max Levchin (Paypal) and Sabeer Bhatia (Hotmail), are interviewed, and they share how their companies transitioned from early start-ups to successful and established businesses through investment strategies. Reading these stories informs readers about business and investment practices that guarantee success.

The Little Book of Common Sense Investing by John C. Bogle

This product was recommended by Jason Cordes from CocoLoan

John C. Bogle, the founder of the Vanguard Group, focuses on just that in his book The Little Book of Common Sense Investing. It explains in detail Bogle’s low-cost index fund investment strategy and how to make index fund investing work for you and your portfolio. This 10th-anniversary edition has been updated to include new information relevant to today’s market. Nonetheless, it remains a must-read for all investors.

The Only Investment Guide You’ll Ever Need by Andrew Tobias

This product was recommended by Jason Cordes from CocoLoan

The author’s trademark witty, the straightforward writing style is used to provide advice on how to build wealth (no matter what your means), how to best prepare for retirement, and even everyday strategies that will save you money in the long run.

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

This product was recommended by Jason Cordes from CocoLoan

Part motivational guide, part financial guide, Napoleon Hill’s bestselling Think and Grow Rich is a best-seller. Hill gathers anecdotes from business legends such as Andrew Carnegie, Henry Ford, and Thomas Edison to support his trademark Law of Success philosophy, which outlines the principles that can help one achieve success.

Just One Thing by John Mauldin

This product was recommended by Kelvin Stewart from USBadCreditLoans

This book is a collection of twelve essays containing immense knowledge on investment strategy. The book helps you gain a unique perspective on how to spot opportunities in the stock market and move in on time to grow your portfolio. Additionally, you will get practical advice on managing risk and remaining calm in a volatile market. Successful investment results from the right investing mentality, and this book helps you build this mentality.

The Financial Diet by Chelsea Fagan

This product was recommended by Sarah Ross from CocoLoan

Since the millennials are now the leading force in every industry it is only right to cater to their needs in financial stability. This book is really well-written and abides with the prevailing current. Many organizations seek for millennials and even Gen-Zs to be under their wing, but even after gaining traction from the giants of every industry now, it is still right to protect their earnings. This book is written in a very helpful tone that fits the current culture of the millennials. The key ingredient is balance and this book teaches how to achieve that. Who says spending must make you feel so guilty? With this handy manual, everyone can spend without feeling guilty because you will still have enough for your future because of your savings. I personally like this book because it is beginner-friendly but the knowledge that one can acquire in reading this book is not something only useful when you are just starting in investing. It will equip you with the necessary knowledge that you can use even in advancement investments since it targets to shape your core understanding in investment, familiarity with different financial tools, and dress you with fundamental knowledge that is, I tell you, really useful in future investment endeavors.

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